What is it? Who is it meant for?
DesignEssentials is a collection of extensions that are meant to help devs with design (duh),
man-handling git (duhh) and other minor developer pains.
DesignEssentials assumes your the kind of dev who:
- actually "designs" before coding
- prefers visual design
- would rather use a WYSIWYG editor for visuals instead of textual stuff like plantUML
- work with git as your primary source control tool
- absolutely hates/doesn't understand a thing about git.
- sucks at spellings
- struggle and curse yourself every time you have to write stuff in markdown extensively
How does DesignEssentials help?
By loading this set of junk onto your workstation:
- GitLens by Eric Amodio: Menu based, click to get stuff done like in the source control tab but,
its on steroids.
- Integration by Henning Dieterichs: WYSIWYG drag, drop and type diagram generator that
works offline too.
- Git Graph by mhutchie: The obligatory git graph feature that VS Code seems to be missing.
- Code Spell Checker by Street Side Software: The only reason my spellings haven't killed you yet.
- Markdown All in One by Yu Zhang: Saves your from your markdown woes and makes you your TOC
- vscode-icons by VSCode Icons Team: The extension you should be having since forever (what sort
of dev are you if you don't have this already)
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