Following requirements have to be matched to use this Extension
Docker >=19.3.13
docker-compose >= 1.27.4
Node.js >=12.3.0
git (CLI) any version
python >= 3.6.8
pip any version
Additionally, all requirements will be checked on the first command invocation automatically.
Go to View > Extensions > ... > Install from VSIX
Select lib/iotea.vsix
Restart Visual Studio Code
Go to File > Preferences > Settings and type iotea to specify machine-wide settings
Open extension page to get an overview over all contribution points and available commands
Command usage
Strg + ⇧ + P (Windows, Linux), ⇧ + ⌘ + P (macOS) > type iotea or vss and you will see all available commands
"Trigger suggest", "Toggle Autocompletion" can be triggered using
Windows, Linux: Strg + Space
⌥ + Esc on Apple Keyboards
Alt + Esc on Windows Keyboards
iotea.rule.and + "Trigger suggest" > Create new And Rule
iotea.rule.or + "Trigger suggest" > Create new Or Rule
iotea.rule.op + "Trigger suggest" > Create a new Rule with an Operation Constraint
iotea.rule.change + "Trigger suggest" > Create a new Rule with a Change Constraint
"I cannot select an .env file on macOS file open dialog"
These files might be hidden from view. Just hit ⌘ + ⇧ + . to show hidden files in the dialog.
"The Docker version check fails"
Make sure you have the latest Docker version installed. The docker version is retrieved using: docker version --format={{.Client.Version}}. Test in your console, if this command returns the version number for your current docker installation.
"The Python version check fails"
You can specify the Python interpreter and the pip module in the settings. It defaults to python3 and pip for standalone installations. If you are running a virtual environment setup based on Anaconda, you have to use python and pip. On Linux-Systems it can be different. Please check in a terminal, which command to use and update the settings accordingly.
"I cannot publish MQTT messages"
Make sure you executed yarn in the IoT Event Analytics project folder to install all needed dependencies