This is an extension to be used with the PIC64GX SDK.
Getting Started
Clone the PIC64GX SDK from GitHub.
Install the prerequisites listed in the SDK README document.
Follow the initialisation instructions in the SDK README document.
Install this extension go to your VSCode settings (Ctrl+,). Here search for
PIC64GX SDK and enter the settings for Python Path, and SDK Workspace.
These are an absolute path to your Python 3 binary or your Python 3 alias, and
the path to your SDK workspace that was set up when initialising the SDK,
This extension exposes the following commands accessible from the command
palette. The command palette is accessed by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P.
PIC64GX SDK: Activate Extension
This command activates the extension and will prompt you to enter a path to
an initialised PIC64GX SDK workspace and the path to or the alias of your Python
3 binary.
PIC64GX SDK: Create New Project
Create a project, choose project name, directory, source files, include
directories and configure the software.
PIC64GX SDK: Modify Project
Add or remove project source files and include directories.
PIC64GX SDK: Configure Project
Change the software configuration for the project. Save the new configuration
to proj.conf in the project directory or update .config in the build
PIC64GX SDK: Build Project
Build a project. Add additional C/C++ compiler, or assembler flags.
PIC64GX SDK: Debug Project
Generate a debug configuration for a project and start the VSCode debugger.
PIC64GX SDK: Set SDK Workspace
Set the working directory for the extension.
PIC64GX SDK: Reload Extension
Reload the extension.