Sort your import statements easily by just pressing a key! Sorting options include but not limited to: import line length, variable name, import path, etc...
Supports: JavaScript and TypeScript
You can sort your imports by:
Using the shortcut key f10
Select the lines you want to sort, then right click and click 'Sort my imports: sort selected imports'
There are different sorting options:
Sort by line length(default)
Sort by variable name
Sort by import path(namespace, default, named imports)
Sort by path(relative level)
Sort naturally(alphabetically but groups multi-digit numbers together)
Sort by random(shuffle)
Extension Settings
You can change some of the settings in the extension settings.
This extension contributes the following settings:
myExtension.sortBy: Different sorting methods for your import sorting needs. Sorting by line length is the default.
myExtension.removeDuplicates: Remove duplicate imports when sorting your imports.
myExtension.removeEmptyLines: Remove empty lines when sorting your imports(only available in sort selected imports option).
myExtension.sortOnSave:Automatically sort your imports when saving a file.
myExtension.omitSemicolon: If set to true, the trailing semicolon will be omitted.
myExtension.quoteStyle: The type of quotation mark to use. single(default) or double.
myExtension.getMaxNamedImportsPerSingleLine: The number of named imports to allow on a single line. If a single import has more than this number, they will be broken up onto separate lines.
myExtension.pathSortOrdering: An array describing the order in which imports should be sorted by paths. Only applicable if sort by is set to path.
package - Any import path that does not begin with '.'
relativeUpLevel - Any import path that begins with '../'
relativeDownLevel - Any import path that begins with './
I always find myself reorganizing my import statements by length because it just looks nicer that way. I built this extension to make that easier with that in mind. Then I wanted to add different sorting options in case other people want to sort their imports by something else.