Generate JavaScript code snippets using GPT-4 AI directly in your VSCode editor. IntelliCoder makes it easy to create JavaScript functions, scripts, or any other code based on your input prompt.
Takes a user-provided prompt to generate JavaScript code.
Validates the generated code to ensure it's valid JavaScript.
Inserts the generated code at the current cursor position in your active VSCode editor.
Open a JavaScript file in your VSCode editor.
Place the cursor where you want to insert the generated code.
Press Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac) to open the Command Palette.
Type "Generate Code" and select the command from the list.
Enter a prompt describing the code you want to generate.
The extension will generate and insert the JavaScript code at the cursor position.
Important Notes
For a limited time, we're offering a free trial of the GPT-4 AI model. In the near future, we will require you to set your own API key to use the extension.