Language agnostic IDE for VS Code.
- Supports zero-configuration for end users.
- Full-feature generic LSP client.
- Allows the user to specify files to poll for diagnostics information.
- Supports arbitrary JSON formats via user-specified mapping.
- Mapping is configurable for each file independently.
- Allows the user to utilize a tags file to provide completions, definitions, and import suggestions.
- Allows the user to configure a custom command as their code formatter.
- Allows the user to configure a custom URL for documentation/API search.
- Single extension supports arbitrarily-many language configurations.
A workspace-level full configuration (in this example, for Haskell) would look something like this.
Most of the properties are optional, so you can make use of only the features that you want.
"alloglot.activateCommand": "ghcid --command=\"cabal repl --ghc-options=-ddump-json\" --output=\"ghc-out.json\"",
"alloglot.languages": [
"languageId": "cabal",
"formatCommand": "cabal-fmt --stdout",
"apiSearchUrl": "${query}"
"languageId": "haskell",
"serverCommand": "static-ls",
"formatCommand": "fourmolu --mode stdout --stdin-input-file ${file}",
"onSaveCommand": ".bin/hlint --json --no-exit-code ${file} > hlint-out.json",
"apiSearchUrl": "${query}",
"tags": [
"file": ".tags",
"initTagsCommand": "ghc-tags -c",
"refreshTagsCommand": "ghc-tags -c",
"completionsProvider": true,
"definitionsProvider": true,
"importsProvider": {
"importLinePattern": "import ${module} (${symbol})",
"matchFromFilepath": "([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_']*)(\\/([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_']*))*\\.hs",
"renderModuleName": [
"tag": "replace",
"from": "\\.hs",
"to": ""
"tag": "replace",
"from": "\\/",
"to": "."
"file": ".tags-dependencies",
"completionsProvider": true,
"importsProvider": {
"importLinePattern": "import ${module}",
"matchFromFilepath": "(.*)",
"renderModuleName": [
"tag": "replace",
"from": "(Data\\.ByteString.*)",
"to": "$1 qualified as BS"
"tag": "replace",
"from": "(Data\\.Text.*)",
"to": "$1 qualified as T"
"tag": "replace",
"from": "(Data\\.ByteString.*Lazy.*) qualified as BS",
"to": "$1 qualified as BSL"
"tag": "replace",
"from": "(Data\\.Text.*Lazy.*) qualified as T",
"to": "$1 qualified as TL"
"tag": "replace",
"from": "(Data\\.Map.*)",
"to": "$1 qualified as M"
"tag": "replace",
"from": "(Data\\.Set.*)",
"to": "$1 qualified as S"
"tag": "replace",
"from": "(Data\\.Vector.*)",
"to": "$1 qualified as V"
"annotations": [
"file": "ghc-out.json",
"format": "jsonl",
"mapping": {
"file": ["span", "file"],
"startLine": ["span", "startLine"],
"startColumn": ["span", "startCol"],
"endLine": ["span", "endLine"],
"endColumn": ["span", "endCol"],
"message": ["doc"],
"severity": ["messageClass"]
"file": "hlint-out.json",
"format": "json",
"mapping": {
"file": ["file"],
"startLine": ["startLine"],
"startColumn": ["startColumn"],
"endLine": ["endLine"],
"endColumn": ["endColumn"],
"message": ["hint"],
"severity": ["severity"],
"replacements": ["to"]
Alloglot supports "zero-configuration" in the following sense.
If there is no user-level or workspace-level configuration present,
Alloglot will read configuration from a file .vscode/alloglot.json
if one exists.
The format for this file is to drop the alloglot.
-prefix on top-level keys,
but otherwise is the same.
This file can be checked into a project's git repository without causing issue,
since it is ignored if a user has user-level or workspace-level configuration.
An experienced contributor can create a .vscode/alloglot.json
file and check it into the repository.
This can greatly reduce the effort new contributors expend to onboard to a project,
especially for large projects that use multiple programming languages, bespoke tooling, or complex build processes.
The configuration schema is defined by the following typescript.
Configuration is highly flexible, with most fields being optional.
This allows use of the features you want without unwanted features getting in your way.
* Extension configuration.
export type TConfig = {
* A shell command to run on activation.
* The command will run asynchronously.
* It will be killed (if it's still running) on deactivation.
activateCommand?: string
* If `true`, Alloglot will automatically reveal the activation command's output channel.
revealActivateCommandOutput?: boolean
* An array of per-language configurations.
languages?: Array<LanguageConfig>
* If `true`, Alloglot will log more output.
verboseOutput?: boolean
* If `true`, Alloglot will merge `.vscode/alloglot.json` into its config.
mergeConfigs?: boolean
* Path to GNU Grep. Parsing tags files depends on GNU Grep. (BSD Grep is not supported.)
grepPath?: string
* Configuration for an arbitrary language.
export type LanguageConfig = {
* The unique language ID.
* You can usually find this in a language's syntax-highlighting extension.
languageId: string
* A shell command to start the language server.
serverCommand?: string
* A formatter shell command.
* STDIN will be equal to the contents of the current text document,
* not the file contents as it exists on disk.
* STDOUT will replace the entire contents of the current text document.
* Alloglot will not modify the file on disk (though your command might!).
* `${file}` will be replaced with the full path to the file.
formatCommand?: string
* A shell command to run after a file is saved.
* `${file}` will be replaced with the full path to the file.
onSaveCommand?: string
* URL to documentation/API search.
* `${query}` will be replaced with the symbol under cursor.
apiSearchUrl?: string
* A list of tags files to use to find definitions, suggest completions, or suggest imports.
tags?: Array<TagsConfig>
* A list of files to watch for compiler-generated JSON output.
annotations?: Array<AnnotationsConfig>
export type TagsConfig = {
* The relative path to the tags file.
file: string
* A command to generate the tags file.
initTagsCommand?: string
* A command to refresh the tags file when a file is saved.
* `${file}` will be replaced with the full path to the file.
refreshTagsCommand?: string
* Indicates that this tags file should be used to suggest completions.
completionsProvider?: boolean
* Indicates that this tags file should be used to go to definitions.
definitionsProvider?: boolean
* Indicates that this tags file should be used to suggest imports for symbols.
importsProvider?: ImportsProviderConfig
* Configuration to use a tags file to suggests imports.
export type ImportsProviderConfig = {
* Pattern to create an import line.
* `${module}` will be replaced with the module to import.
* `${symbol}` will be replaced with the symbol to expose.
importLinePattern: string,
* Regex pattern matching the part of a file path needed to construct a module name.
* (We will use the entire _match,_ not the captures.)
* (Remember to double-escape backslashes in JSON strings.)
matchFromFilepath: string
* A list of transformations to apply to the string matched by `matchFromFilepath`.
renderModuleName: Array<StringTransformation>
export type StringTransformation
= { tag: "replace", from: string, to: string }
| { tag: "split", on: string }
| { tag: "join", with: string }
| { tag: "toUpper" }
| { tag: "toLower" }
| { tag: "capitalize" }
* A file to watch for compiler-generated JSON output, and instructions on how to marshal the JSON objects.
export type AnnotationsConfig = {
* The relative path to the file to watch.
file: string
* `json` for a top-level array of objects.
* `jsonl` for a newline-separated stream of objects.
format: 'json' | 'jsonl'
* Mapping between properties of the JSON objects and properties of `Annotation`.
mapping: AnnotationsMapping
* Intermediate representation of compiler-generated JSON output and VS Code diagnostics.
export type Annotation = {
source: string
severity: 'error' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'hint'
file: string
startLine: number
startColumn: number
endLine: number
endColumn: number
message: string
replacements: Array<string>
referenceCode?: string
* Mapping between arbitrary JSON object and properties of `Annotation`.
* Each property is an array of strings that will be used as a path into the JSON object.
export type AnnotationsMapping = {
message: Array<string>
file?: Array<string>
startLine?: Array<string>
startColumn?: Array<string>
endLine?: Array<string>
endColumn?: Array<string>
source?: Array<string>
severity?: Array<string>
replacements?: Array<string>
referenceCode?: Array<string>