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Vue Extensions Pack
Extensions pack for vue development.
We don't recommend to setup user
settings, because you may have different projects which has different code style.
So you'd better to setup workspace
settings for a certain project.
Edit the settings.json
file of workspace
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll": true,
Extensions Included in this pack
ESLint - Integrates ESLint into VS Code.
stylelint - Modern CSS/SCSS/Less linter.
vetur - Vue tooling for VSCode
vue-peek - Allows peek and goto definition for Vue single-file components
Vue VSCode Snippets - Snippets that will supercharge your Vue workflow
Path IntelliSense - Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes filenames
GitLens — Git supercharged - Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code
Git History - View git log, file history, compare branches or commits
npm - npm support for VS Code
filesize - Show the current file size in the status bar
TODO Highlight - highlight TODOs, FIXMEs, and any keywords, annotations...
EditorConfig for VS Code - EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code
CodeStream: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket PRs and Code Review - GitHub pull requests, GitLab merge requests, and code reviews in your IDE. Eliminate context-switching between tools. Also integrates with Bitbucket, Slack, MS Teams, Jira, Trello and more.
vscode token: vvgwauptanodzrtlotdviqstk4ygfco43i6ribe6mm2k5tl6uomq