Flutter MVP Scaffolding
VSCode extension to create fields scaffolding to mvp pattern on flutter projects
The extension request an entity name and will create all files needed to the mvp pattern:
Data layer
lib/data/entities : Entity class that interacts with backend (API rest, firebase...)
lib/data/repositories : Classes that manage the data access
lib/data/mapper : Classes that manage the transformation from entity to model (used in presentation layer)
Domain layer
lib/domain/model : Classes shared in presentation layer for data representation
lib/domain/services : Uses cases
lib/domain/blocs : Screens controler that receives events and transforms it to states
Presentation layer
lib/presentation/screens : Widgets that present the information an react to user actions
lib/presentation/injection : Contains the classes that are shared trought the app
Flutter projects
Extension Settings
From Settings > Extensions > Flutter MVP it's possible configure paths, preffix and files contents
Known Issues
TODO: Injection of classes!
Release Notes
Initial release
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