A tool designed to analyze HTML and identify potential breaches of Content Security Policy (CSP) rules. The goal is to prevent CSP violations from infiltrating your codebase.
CSP Strict by default , it throws errors if it finds any usage of:
inline Styles
<div style="color:blue;"></div>
inline javascript similar to:
Style tags without a nonce attribute
Script tags without a nonce attribute
This Language Server works for .html, .ts and .js files. It has the following language features:
Diagnostics regenerated on each file change or configuration change
It has the following configurable settings (all defaulting to false):
allowInlineStyles: boolean,
allowInlineJs: boolean,
allowStyleTagWithoutNonce: boolean,
allowScriptTagWithoutNonce: boolean,
A comma delimited string of globs to include for parsing i.e "**/src/**/*.html, **/src/**/*.js"
A comma delimtited string of globs to exclude files for parsing i.e "**/test/**/*.html"
Note: All settings can be set on a user or workspace level.