The Enhanced Essentials Pack is a comprehensive collection of extensions designed to enhance and improve the overall usage experience of Visual Studio Code. This power-packed bundle offers a range of essential functionalities and productivity features that cater to the general needs of every VS Code user. With the Enhanced Essentials Pack, you'll have access to a carefully curated selection of extensions that streamline your workflow, boost your productivity, and optimize your coding environment. From advanced code editing tools to useful utility extensions, this pack has you covered.
The following extensions are included
ES6 Code-Snippets | This extension contains code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax for Vs Code editor (supports both JavaScript and TypeScript).
JS JSX Snippets | Snippets for JS, JSX, TS, TSX
JSX-beautify | JSX-beautify is used to beautify JSX code.
Live Sass Compiler | A VSCode Extension that help you to compile/transpile your SASS/SCSS files to CSS at real-time.
Live Server | Launch a local development server with live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.
PHP | PHP Tools for VS Code is a full development integration for the PHP language.
PHP Profiler | PHP code profiling allows you to inspect how much time and how many calls were made to every single function in the code.
TypeScript Importer | Automatically searches for TypeScript definitions in workspace files and provides all known symbols as completion item to allow code completion.