matflobuild READMEMatflo Build Extension FeaturesExtension for VSCode that builds Matflo without VSCode Intelisence Interrupting and slowing down the build. Builds Matflo inside a TMux Shell after stopping VSCode Intelisence Processes then monitors the build output and notifies when complete. Due to limitations in VSCode build output is redirected to text file as VSCode doesn't allow reading back the terminal. RequirementsTMUX Extension SettingsNone Known IssuesNone Release NotesExtension creates a tmux session named "tmux_make_session" You can attach to that session using tmux a -t tmux_make_session or by clicking the button on the build notification You can exit the session using ctrl+b then d Should a build succeed the tmux session will be automatically closed and intelisence will be restarted Should a build fail, tmux will be left to see what happened and you will manually have to kill the session using tmux kill-session -t tmux_make_session or you will be given the option you next try and run the build to automatically close it. intelisence will be restarted should a build fail. The build progress can be monitored in the make_log.txt or make_fresh_log.txt it creates in the /dev/ dir. Output is available when complete by clicking the button. |