This README file is for the "SpringWing" extension, a tool designed to streamline the development process for those working with Spring and Spring Boot. This extension provides seamless access to relevant documentation and includes a range of useful snippets for efficient coding.
1. Quick Access to Spring Documentation:
Direct Access: Open the Spring Framework documentation directly from VSCode.
Ease of Learning: Simplify the referencing and learning process for Spring components.
2. Comprehensive Snippets Library:
Wide Range of Snippets: Snippets for creating various Spring components such as Controllers, Services, Repositories, and more.
Boost Productivity: Pre-defined code templates to speed up your development workflow.
Snippets Usage:
The table below summarizes the available snippets and their usage:
Snippet Command
Usage Example
Create a new Spring controller
@RestController ...
Create a new Spring Data JPA repository
@Repository ...
Create a new Spring Data CRUD repository
@Repository ...
Create a Spring Data Paging repository
public interface ...
Create a new Spring Service
@Service ...
Create a new service method
public ReturnType methodName
Create a new Spring exception class
@ResponseStatus ...
Create a new Data Transfer Object (DTO)
public class MyDTO ...
Create a new Spring Configuration class
@Configuration ...
Create a new Spring entity class
@Entity ...
Add a new property in Spring properties file
Custom File Creation Commands:
These commands facilitate the creation of specific Java files for your Spring project:
Create Entity Class: Command Create Entity Class creates a new entity class with basic annotations.
Create Repository Interface: Command Create Repository Interface sets up a new repository interface extending JpaRepository.
Create Controller Class: Command Create Controller Class for initializing a new controller class.
Create Service Class: Command Create Service Class allows for the quick creation of a service class.
Documentation Shortcut:
To access the documentation, use the shortcut Shift + Command + P and then type Spring Search.