Extension Pack Template
Template to create a new visual studio code extension pack
What's in the folder
- This folder contains all of the files necessary for your extension pack.
package.json - this is the manifest file that defines the list of extensions of the extension
Get up and running straight away
- Press
F5 to open a new window with your extension loaded.
- Open
Extensions Viewlet and check your extensions are installed.
Make changes
- You can relaunch the extension from the debug toolbar after making changes to the files listed
- You can also reload (
Ctrl+R or Cmd+R on Mac) the VS Code window with your extension to load
your changes.
Install your extension
- To start using your extension with Visual Studio Code copy it into the
<user home>/.vscode/extensions folder and restart Code.
- To share your extension with the world, read on https://code.visualstudio.com/docs about
publishing an extension.
Explaining scripts
build : Executes build:clean , build:install and build:package scripts in that order.
build:clean : Removes any .vsix file and the node_modules folder in the repository.
build:install : Install dependencies with npm to obtain the package-lock.json file.
build:package : Create a .vsix file with the packaged extension with the current
deploy : Executes deploy:confirm , build and deploy:publish scripts in that order.
deploy:confirm : Shows a prompt to verify the deploying of the package.
deploy:publish : Publish the extension pack into the extension marketplace.
eslint:check : Checks the code lint on the project.
eslint:fix : Fixes the code lint of the project by updating the files that need it.
prettier:check : Checks the code format on the project.
prettier:format : Format the code lint of the project by updating the files that need it.
refresh : Executes refresh:clean , npm init and refresh:clear scripts in that order.
refresh:clean : Deletes the repository-related metadata attributes from the package.json to
update them with the npm init command.
refresh:clear : Delete unnecessary attributes and sort the package.json .
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