Monowave🌊 Code comfortably at noon 🌅 ⛱ Monowave is a theme made for people who work in really high light environments. It contains a wonderful variation of the Monokai theme, with an ideal contrast so that each letter of code remains readable to your eyes: 🎨 DevelopmentFor the development of this palette Yeoman Code was used. Along with the following color palette:
🖐 ContributionsDo you would like to contribute? Do you want to be the author of a new feature? Awesome! please fork the repository and make changes as you like. Pull requests are warmly welcome. 🐛 IssuesDid you find any bugs in the theme? Any suggestions you want to give? Please open a new issue here ✒ AuthorDeveloped by Marcelo Arias. 📃 LicenseDistributed under the MIT License. |