aem-snippets-vscode README
This is a VSCode extension with AEM application HTL and JSP snippets for HTML, Touch and Classic UI dialogs, osgi configs and sling servlets (for now)
For now simple htl snippets, some snippets for touch ui dialogs, sling servlets, osgi configurations and json object creation
- Type 'htl.' or 'jsp.' to see available snippets inside a .html file
- Type 'aem.' or 'osgi.' to see available snippets inside a .xml or .js file
- Type 'sling.' or 'osgi.' to see available snippets inside a .java file
There are two ways of triggering the snippet, one is very verbose, sorry for that, but it was created for me or someone like me :( that might forget some stuff, and some are shorter for those with big memories (obviously not me)
HTML - snippets (*.html files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
HTL Comments |
heco |
htl.elem.comments |
Include HTL script HTML Element |
heis | |
Include HTL script HTML Attribute |
hais | |
Include Java Model HTML Element |
heim | |
Include Java Model HTML Attribute |
haim | |
Include Component HTML Element |
heic | |
Include Component HTML Attribute |
haic | |
HTL List Iterator |
hel |
htl.elem.list |
Define HTL template |
hetd |
htl.elem.template.define |
Call HTL template |
hetc | |
HTL variable |
hev |
htl.elem.variable |
HTL Test Attribute |
het |
htl.attr.test |
Ternary WCM Edit |
hetem |
htl.val.test.editMode |
Define - Clientlibs - HTL |
hecld |
htl.elem.clientlib.define |
Define Attribute - Clientlibs - HTL |
hacld |
htl.attr.clientlib.define |
Include Js and CSS - Clientlibs - HTL |
hecia |
htl.elem.clientlib.include.all |
Include Js - Clientlibs - HTL |
hecij |
htl.elem.clientlib.include.js |
Include CSS - Clientlibs - HTL |
hecic |
htl.elem.clientlib.include.css |
JSON - Jackson - snippets (*.java files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
Jackson - JSON - Imports |
jji |
json.jackson.imports |
Create Jackson Object Mapper |
jjmap |
json.jackson.mapper |
Jackson Json Object |
jjno | |
Jackson Json Array |
jjna | |
Jackson Json Mapper |
jjtstr |
json.jackson.toString |
JSON - Regular - snippets (*.java files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
Commons - JSON - Imports |
jci |
json.commons.imports |
Json Object |
jcno | |
Json Array |
jcna | |
Json Object |
jctstr |
json.commons.toString |
OSGi - snippets (*.java files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
Get OSGi Bundle Version Imports |
obvi |
osgi.bundle.version.imports |
Get OSGi Bundle Version |
obvg |
osgi.bundle.version.get |
OSGi Configuration R6 Definition Imports |
oc6di |
osgi.config.r6.definition.imports |
OSGi Configuration R6 Definition Annotations |
oc6da |
osgi.config.r6.definition.annotations |
OSGi Configuration R6 Class Definition |
oc6dc |
osgi.config.r6.definition.class |
String Property - OSGi Configuration R6 |
oc6ps |
osgi.config.r6.definition.prop.string |
Boolean Property - OSGi Configuration R6 |
oc6pb |
osgi.config.r6.definition.prop.bool |
Int Property - OSGi Configuration R6 |
oc6pi | |
OSGi Configuration R6 Use Configuration Imports |
oc6ui |
osgi.config.r6.use.imports |
OSGi Configuration R6 Use Configuration Annotations |
oc6ua |
osgi.config.r6.use.annotations |
OSGi Configuration R6 Use Configuration Class Definition |
oc6uc |
osgi.config.r6.use.methods |
Import package - Feature Toggles |
ofti |
osgi.featuretoggles.import |
Check if feature is enabled - Feature Toggles |
oftc |
osgi.featuretoggles.check |
Inject Feature Toggles interface - Feature Toggles |
oftis |
osgi.featuretoggles.injectservice |
Sling Models - snippets (*.java files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
Imports - Exporter - Sling Model |
smei |
sling.model.exporter.imports |
Model Annotations - Exporter - Sling Model |
smema |
sling.model.exporter.annotations |
Get Exported Type Method - Exporter - Sling Model |
smeem |
sling.model.exporter.exportedTypeMethod |
Model Definition - Exporter - Sling Model |
smemd |
sling.model.exporter.modeDefinition |
Sling Servlets - snippets (*.java files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
Sling Servlet Bound by Path Imports |
ss7i |
sling.servlet.r7.imports |
Sling Servlet Bound by Resource Type Annotations |
ss7ra |
sling.servlet.r7.resource.annotations |
Sling Servlet R7 Bound by Path Annotations |
ss7pa |
sling.servlet.r7.path.annotations |
Sling Servlet Bound by Path Imports |
ss6i |
sling.servlet.r6.imports |
Sling Servlet Bound by Resource Type Annotations |
ss6ra |
sling.servlet.r6.resource.annotations |
Sling Servlet R6 Bound by Path Annotations |
ss7pa |
sling.servlet.r6.path.annotations |
Sling Servlet SCR Imports |
sssi |
sling.servlet.scr.imports |
Sling Servlet SCR Bound by Resource Type Annotations |
sssra |
sling.servlet.scr.resource.annotations |
Sling Servlet SCR Bound by Path Annotations |
ssspa |
sling.servlet.scr.path.annotations |
Sling Servlet All Methods Class Definition |
sscall |
sling.servlet.class.allMethods |
Sling Servlet Safe Methods Class Definition |
sscsafe |
sling.servlet.class.safeMethods |
Sling Servlet JSON Response |
ssresj |
sling.servlet.response.json |
Sling Servlet HTML Response |
ssresh |
sling.servlet.response.html |
Sling Servlet PLain Text Response |
ssrespt |
sling.servlet.response.plainText |
Sling Servlet Get Query String Parameter from Request |
ssreqqs |
sling.servlet.request.getQueryString |
ReactJs - snippets (*.js files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
Component Imports - React - AEM |
arci |
aem.react.component.imports |
Component EditConfig - React - AEM |
arcec |
aem.react.component.editConfig |
Component Definition - React - AEM |
arcd |
aem.react.component.definition |
Map to AEM Component - React - AEM |
arcm |
aem.react.component.mapTo |
Touch UI - Dialogs - snippets (*.xml files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
Dialog Node - Touch UI Dialog |
adtd |
aem.dlg.touch.dialog |
Checkbox - Touch UI Dialog |
adtch |
aem.dlg.touch.checkbox |
Textfield - Touch UI Dialog |
adttf |
aem.dlg.touch.textfield |
Textarea - Touch UI Dialog |
adtta |
aem.dlg.touch.textarea |
Pathfield - Touch UI Dialog |
adtpf |
aem.dlg.touch.pathfield |
Image - Touch UI Dialog |
adti |
aem.dlg.touch.image |
DropDown - Touch UI Dialog |
adtdd |
aem.dlg.touch.dropdown |
DropDown Item - Touch UI Dialog |
adtddi |
aem.dlg.touch.dropdown.item |
OSGi configuration - snippets (*.xml files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
OSGi config header |
ocxh |
osgi.config.xml.header |
Feature Toggles - OSGi config |
ocxff |
osgi.config.xml.featureFlag |
Classic UI - Dialogs - snippets (*.xml files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
Dialog Node - Classic UI Dialog |
adcd |
aem.dlg.classic.dialog |
Checkbox - Classic UI Dialog |
adcch |
aem.dlg.classic.checkbox |
Textfield - Classic UI Dialog |
adctf |
aem.dlg.classic.textfield |
Textarea - Classic UI Dialog |
adcta |
aem.dlg.classic.textarea |
Pathfield - Classic UI Dialog |
adcpf |
aem.dlg.classic.pathfield |
DropDown - Classic UI Dialog |
adcdd |
aem.dlg.classic.dropdown |
DropDown Item - Classic UI Dialog |
adcddi |
aem.dlg.classic.dropdown.item |
Include Fragment - Classic UI Dialog |
adcif |
aem.dlg.classic.includefragment |
JSP - snippets (*.html files)
Description |
Short Alias |
Verbose in case you forget |
JSP Comments |
jeco |
jsp.elem.comments |
Include Global Objects |
jeigo | |
Get OSGi Bundle Version Imports |
jeif |
jsp.elem.if |
JSP choose conditional Element |
jecho |
jsp.elem.choose |
JSP When - choose conditional Element |
jechow |
jsp.elem.choose.when |
JSP Otherwise - choose conditional Element |
jechot |
jsp.elem.choose.otherwise |
JSP For Element |
jefor |
jsp.elem.for |
JSP Foreach Element |
jeforeach |
jsp.elem.foreach |
Known Issues
NONE for now :D
Release Notes
JSP snippets for XSS protection, XML configurations for feature toggles and log files
Fixed prefix and descriptions for a couple of the touch and htl snippets and also added snippets for Classic UI dialogs and jsp files
Fixed prefix and descriptions for a couple of the snippets and also added the existing list of snippets to the file
Feature toggle, ReactJs snippets and also HTL snippets for HTML files for lists, clientlibs, templates, variables and new field types for Touch UI dialogs
Snippets for creating r6 configurations, use them and also for creating json objects manually
Sling servlet snippets for older annotations
Sling servlet and osgi snippets
Touch UI Dialog Textfield and checkbox snippets
Simple htl snippets for incluiding components, scripts and models into an htl script