Selection ManagerThis Visual Studio Code extension will allow you to manage selected text. UsageSelect a text of a file and open the editor commands (ctrl+shift+P / cmd+shift+P) and search for one of the next commands: >Copy Selectioncopy the selection in a new file. >Move SelectionMove the selection in a new file, results in having the original text deleated. >Isolate SelectionIsolate the selection, results in having the content of the document replaced with just the selected text. >Search SelectionSearch for the selection on google. >URL Encode SelectionIt will replace the selected text with a URL encoded version of it. >Base64 Encode SelectionIt will replace the selected text with a Base64 encoded version of it. >URL Decode SelectionIt will replace the selected text with a URL decoded version of it. >Base64 Decode SelectionIt will replace the selected text with a Base64 decoded version of it. >Lowercase SelectionTurns the selected text to lowercase. >Uppercase SelectionTurns the selected text to uppercase. >Camel to Snake case SelectionThe selected camel case text will be turned to snake case (eg. callAsync -> call_async). >Snake to Camel case SelectionThe selected snake case text will be turned to camel case (eg. call_async -> callAsync). >Kebab to Camel case SelectionThe selected kebab case text will be turned to camel case (eg. call-async -> callAsync). >Camel to Kebab case SelectionThe selected camel case text will be turned to kebab case (eg. callAsync -> call-async). >Kebab to Snake case SelectionThe selected kebab case text will be turned to snake case (eg. call-sync -> call_async). >Snake to Kebab case SelectionThe selected snake case text will be turned to kebab case (eg. call_sync -> call-async). >Length of SelectionPops an alert, in the bottom right corner, with the information of the length of the selected text. >Number of non ASCII Characters in SelectionPops an alert, in the bottom right corner, with the information of the number of non ascii characters in the selected text. >Reverse SelectionIt will reverse the selection, line by line. >Log SelectionPuts the selection in a log call, just after the line of the selection. The log will include an log ID. **Currently only works for JavaScript. >Lorem Ipsum on SelectionReplaces the selection with lorem ipsum, if nothing is selected will replace the whole line where the cursor is placed. |