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- Formats T-SQL code to a consistent and readable layout
- Customizable formatting rules
- .editorconfig support
- Provides hover tooltips on SQL keywords with example usage
- Format on save (off by default. Enable in global options)
Invoke the Format Document command or CTRL+K, CTRL+D
to format the document using the settings specified in the options. If no settings has been modified, the default settings will be used.
Powered by the SqlScriptDOM by Microsoft.
SELECT p.Name as ProductName,
NonDiscountSales = (OrderQty * UnitPrice),
Discounts = ((OrderQty * UnitPrice) * UnitPriceDiscount)
FROM Production.Product AS p
inner join Sales.SalesOrderDetail As sod On p.ProductID = sod.ProductID
ORDER BY ProductName desc;
SELECT p.Name AS ProductName,
(OrderQty * UnitPrice) AS NonDiscountSales,
((OrderQty * UnitPrice) * UnitPriceDiscount) AS Discounts
FROM Production.Product AS p
Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS sod
ON p.ProductID = sod.ProductID
ORDER BY ProductName DESC;
In C# and other languages, you can invoke the formatter by selecting the text and right-click to select Format SQL. Or you can simply hit Ctrl+K, Ctrl+Q

.editorconfig support
You can specify the configuration options in an .editorconfig
file. Here's an example:
align_clause_bodies = true
align_column_definition_fields = true
align_set_clause_item = true
allow_external_language_paths = true
allow_external_library_paths = true
as_keyword_on_own_line = true
include_semicolons = false
indent_set_clause = false
keyword_casing = uppercase|lowercase|pascalcase
indentation_size = 4
indent_view_body = false
multiline_insert_sources_list = true
multiline_insert_targets_list = true
multiline_select_elements_list = true
multiline_set_clause_items = true
multiline_view_columns_list = true
multiline_where_predicates_list = true
new_line_before_close_parenthesis_in_multiline_list = true
new_line_before_from_clause = true
new_line_before_group_by_clause = true
new_line_before_having_clause = true
new_line_before_join_clause = true
new_line_before_offset_clause = true
new_line_before_open_parenthesis_in_multiline_list = false
new_line_before_order_by_clause = true
new_line_before_output_clause = true
new_line_before_where_clause = true
new_line_before_window_clause = true
newline_formatted_check_constraint = false
new_line_formatted_index_definition = false
num_newlines_after_statement = 1
space_between_data_type_and_parameters = true
space_between_parameters_in_data_type = true
sql_engine_type = all|sqlazure|standalone
sql_version = sql80|sql90|sql100|sql110|sql120|sql130|sql140|sql150|sql160|sql170
When there are no .editorconfig files or the [*.sql]
section is missing, the global options will be used.
Global options

Hover the mouse cursor over any keyword or built in function and a tooltip appears. It contains a full description and examples formatted to your settings.

How can I help?
If you enjoy using the extension, please give it a ★★★★★ rating on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
Should you encounter bugs or if you have feature requests, head on over to the GitHub repo to open an issue if one doesn't already exist.
Pull requests are also very welcome, since I can't always get around to fixing all bugs myself. This is a personal passion project, so my time is limited.
Another way to help out is to sponsor me on GitHub.