This extension's purpose is to help emphasize user-specified "trigger words" in certain file types.
Whole-line Highlighting
- If a trigger word is detected, the entire line is highlighted lightly, and the matched word is emphasized heavily.
Automatic and Manual Triggering
- Files with '.log' extension are automatically highlighted when the file is opened and "live" as the file is modified
- Other files can be manually highlighted by triggering the 'Show Trigger Words' command from the Command Pallette
Highlighting Details
- "Error", "Err", "Failure", "Fail", "Critical" and "Crit" are highlighted red.
- "Warning" and "Warn" are highlighted yellow.
- "Information" and "Info" are highlighted blue.
- "Success", "Successful" and "Succeeded" are highlighted green.
Not available for initial release.
Future Features
- [x] User-specified words/RegEx
- [x] User-specified colors
- [ ] Whole-line highlighting
- [x] Entire line highlighted light (25a691f)
- [x] Matched word highlighted dark (25a691f)
- [ ] Enable user toggle
- [ ] Optional Gutter markers
- [ ] Provide canned RegEx to detect date, level and message.
- [ ] Optional user-supplied RegEx
Extension Settings
No configurable settings at this time.
Known Issues
To report issues, use this link.
- Comments are not ignored at this time.
- Switching between supported and non-supported languages can prevent highlighting updates.
Release Notes
Reference CHANGELOG for documentation about changes made to this repository
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