PreableThis extension has been made as a part of master's degree thesis at University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. This extension is a prototype so expect some missing functionality. Basic instructionsVisualization can only be generated for workspaces containing folder "build" in the root directory with file "" (can be generated by BitBake). The folder for which the visualization should be generated has to be the only one in the workspace or it has to be the first folder of the workspace. Visualization can be generated by calling a command "Yocto Project Dependency Visualizer: Generate visualization" from the command pallete or from a sidebar menu of the extension. User can select nodes in the visualization by clicking on the boxes outside of the text label with the name of the recipe. Only one visualization at a time can be generated. User can select for which BitBake task the visualization will be generated. "DEFAULT" value means do_prepare_recipe_sysroot on the left side of the dependency in the "" and do_populate_sysroot on the right side. User can select which type of analysis he wants to do with the visualization - "DEFAULT" (selected nodes and nodes with direct connections with the selected node will be highlighted), "Affected nodes" (selected node and node that directly or indirectly require the selected node) and "Licenses" (nodes will be highlighted according to licenses used). In basic visualization, nodes that are depend on a selected node are highlighted by a blue color and nodes that the selected node depends on are highlighted by a red color. |