This extension provides a set of code snippets that can be inserted into your source files in Visual Studio Code. To use them, simply type part of the snippet name and press Enter to see a list of possible matches. The suggestions will then filter down based on what you type. You can also use the autocomplete feature if enabled. When a match is selected, the snippet will be inserted at the cursor with any placeholders replaced by appropriate text. If a placeholder contains a colon (e.g., ${1:x}
), then the placeholder will become editable after insertion.
Once the editor has been closed and reopened, modifications to the file will not be saved back
to the buffer - the edits were never there to begin with. This allows you to experiment with
snippets without worrying about leaving traces.
Description |
Prefix |
Basic BoilerPlate for CPP |
/basicCPP |
CP boiler plate without testcase |
/cp |
CP boiler plate taking testcase |
/cptestcase |
long long Int |
/ll |
long double |
/ld |
input one any type of variable which are declared |
/in1 |
input two any type of variable which are declared |
/in2 |
input three any type of variable which are declared |
/in3 |
input four any type of variable which are declared |
/in4 |
Declare and Input one integer variable |
/inn1 |
Declare and Input two integer variable |
/inn2 |
Declare and Input three integer variable |
/inn3 |
Declare and Input one string variable |
/sin1 |
Declare and Input two string variable |
/sin2 |
Declare and Input three string variable |
/sin3 |
String Reverse |
/revS |
Declare and Input one long long int variable |
/llin1 |
Declare and Input two long long int variable |
/llin2 |
Declare and Input three long long int variable |
/llin3 |
Declare and Input one long double variable |
/ldin1 |
Declare and Input two long double variable |
/ldin2 |
Declare and Input three long double variable |
/ldin3 |
Declare and Input one float variable |
/fin1 |
Declare and Input two float variable |
/fin2 |
Declare and Input three float variable |
/fin3 |
Declare and Input one double variable |
/din1 |
Declare and Input two double variable |
/din2 |
Declare and Input three double variable |
/din3 |
Declare and Input one char variable |
/cin1 |
Declare and Input two char variable |
/cin2 |
Declare and Input three char variable |
/cin3 |
Declare and Input one bool variable |
/bin1 |
Declare and Input two bool variable |
/bin2 |
Declare and Input three bool variable |
/bin3 |
Declare and Input one vector variable |
/vin1 |
Declare and Input two vector variable |
/vin2 |
Declare and Input three vector variable |
/vin3 |
all vector element |
/allV |
Ascending Order Sort of Vector |
/sortVector, /ascV |
Descending Order Sort of Vector |
/sortVectorD, /dscV |
Reverse of Vector |
/revV |
Declare and Input one pair variable |
/pin1 |
Declare and Input two pair variable |
/pin2 |
Declare and Input three pair variable |
/pin3 |
Vector of Pair |
/vp |
Declare and Input one map variable |
/mapin1 |
Declare and Input two map variable |
/mapin2 |
Declare and Input three map variable |
/mapin3 |
Declare and Input one set variable |
/setin1 |
Declare and Input two set variable |
/setin2 |
Declare and Input three set variable |
/setin3 |
Singly Linked List Node |
/singly |
Doubly Linked List Node |
/doubly |
Binary Search Tree Node |
/bst |
Graph Node |
/graph |
Queue |
/queue |
Stack |
/stack |
Priority Queue |
/pq |
Output one variable in one line |
/outn |
Output two variable in one line |
/out2 |
Output three variable in one line |
/out3 |
Output one variable in one line with space |
/outs |
Output two variable in one line with space |
/outs2 |
Output three variable in one line with space |
/outs3 |
Print YES |
/py, /pys |
Print NO |
/pn, /pyn |
Print New Line |
/nl, /newline |
Print Space |
/sp, /space |
Print Tab |
/tab |
Find integer Length |
/lenInt |
For loop |
/loopFor |
While loop |
/loopWhile |
Do While loop |
/loopDoWhile |
If else |
/ifElse |
else if |
/elseif |
else |
/else |
Switch |
/switch |
If you have any feedback or issues with this extension, please feel free to submit an issue on the extension's GitHub repository: Submit Issues