MythicScribe.alwaysEnabled: When enabled, the extension will no longer do any check to see if a document is a MythicMobs one
MythicScribe.regexForMythicmobsFile: Determines which files are recognized as MythicMobs files based on a custom regex
MythicScribe.regexForMetaskillFile: Determines which files are recognized as Metaskills files based on a custom regex
MythicScribe.regexForMobFile: Determines which files are recognized as Mobs files based on a custom regex
MythicScribe.regexForItemFile: Determines which files are recognized as Items files based on a custom regex
MythicScribe.enableMythicScriptSyntax: Whether the extension should automatically convert the document types from yaml to MythicScript if it's recognized as a MythicMobs file. This does not change the file or its extension in any way, while also enabling mythic-specific syntax highlighting
MythicScribe.datasetSource: Which dataset to use. GitHub or Local
MythicScribe.minecraftVersion: Specify the minecraft version whose datasets to use
MythicScribe.enableShortcuts: Whether the Shortcuts feature should be active
MythicScribe.enableEmptyBracketsAutomaticRemoval: Enable the removal of empty curly brackets {} by moving the cursor past them
MythicScribe.enableFileSpecificSuggestions: Whether file specific suggestions (metaskill files, mob files) should be shown
MythicScribe.disableAcceptSuggestionOnEnter: Whether the reminder to disable editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter should be shown
MythicScribe.attributeAliasUsedInCompletions: Which attribute alias to use for completions. Defaults to main
MythicScribe.customDatasets: Which Custom Dataset to load and from where
Extension Commands
MythicScribe.addCustomDataset: Add a Custom Dataset from either a local path a link
Known Issues
When editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter is not off and MythicScribe.enableFileSpecificSuggestions is enabled, all the completions on newline will stop users from comfortably add spacing in their metaskills and the likes. For this reason, it is recommended to set this configuration to off. The extension will still try to warn the user about this if the MythicScribe.disableAcceptSuggestionOnEnter configuration is active
Credits and Acknowledgements
@maecy, for creating and providing this extension's ⭐awesome⭐ icon and the Stellius Team in general for the collaboration!
Amy, for setting up the discord server and managing it