Pop N' Lock Theme by Luxcium ✨🐲 Perfectly balanced TypeScript theme with vivid coloursThis powerful theme of colour is always evolving Colourful features are added and more languages will be included soon. This theme is STRONGLY OPINIONATED to make sure to to be influencing the opinion request any changes you want by filling an issue to be part of the 82 000+ happy users.
Handpicked colorsYou will be impressed how intutive it is when you will discover how each colour has its purpose Your favourite streamlined code editor is getting more bright and radiant, optimized to work in the Full-fledged Integrated Development Environment or in Text Editor sized mode. The colours have been handpicked with great care to be the most intuitive possible and to use extensively all capacity of your IDE and text editor of choice. ✨ Be ProudShow us your workflow and setting send sugestions and more using our Twitter Handle @luxcium and Hash Tag #Luxcium Because you want to tell the world about your experienceHappy users of Pop N' Lock Theme by Luxcium ✨ are our best Ambasadors out there on the World Wide Web hyperspace... We would like to hear from you fellow user of the Pop N' Lock Theme by Luxcium ✨ take a screenshot of your workflow and show it on Twiter using @luxcium Twitter Handle and #Luxcium Hash tag send us sugestions both by opening an Issue on GitHub and then sending a Tweet about it using our Handle or Hash tag! if you think something can be improved make sure to fill an issue on our GitHub page it's easy and will help us make Pop N' Lock the best theme available Please feel free to ask any question, to let us know about any problems that should be resolved and any improvement you would like to see by filing an issue on our GitHub page.
Recently modifiedGit Decorations
High performance bracket pair colorizationBracket pair colorization now 10,000x faster.
JavaScript and TypeScript
Set the editor.rulers: [80, 120, 121] in vscode settings
Your favourite streamlined code editor is getting more bright and radiant, optimized to work in the Full-fledged Integrated Development Environment or in Text Editor sized mode. The colours have been handpicked with great care to be the most intuitive possible and to use extensively all capacity of your favourite IDE and text editor. This powerful theme of colour is always evolving. Colourful features are added and more languages will be included soon. This theme is STRONGLY OPINIONATED so make sure to request any changes you want by filling an issue if you want to be influencing the opinion. We would be happy to know more about the progaming language you are using, show us your Visual Studio Code Settings and what you like the most or work best for you and also what should be improoved next in Pop N' Lock Theme by Luxcium ✨
Originally based onThis theme is based on the designs of Hedinne's Popping And Locking a theme with vivid colours, they capture your attention but are easy on your eyes. His theme originally based on VS Dark+, Gruvbox Dark and One Dark has changed a lot since. It is currently designed with TypeScript grammar and web languages syntax in mind like HTML & CSS (Also includes support for JavaScript, JSON, YAML, React's JSX/TSX and more). MIT LICENSEPop N' Lock Theme by Luxcium ✨ Copyright © 2018-2021 Benjamin Vincent Kasapoglu (Luxcium) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to all person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ALL KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ALL CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Based on Popping and Locking (VS Code Theme) © 2016-2018 Hedinn Eiriksson THE LUXCIUM OWL LOGO IS A TRADEMARK OF BENJAMIN VINCENT KASAPOGLU (™ & © 2017-2021 ALL RIGHT RESERVED) « POP N' LOCK THEME » & « POP N' LOCK THEME BY LUXCIUM ✨ » ARE TRADEMARKS OF BENJAMIN VINCENT KASAPOGLU (™ & © 2018-2021 ALL RIGHT RESERVED) Copyright © 2018-2022 Benjamin Vincent Kasapoglu (Luxcium) Scientia is lux principium✨™ |