eFLINT Syntax HighlightingProvides basic syntax highlighting for the eFLINT language for Visual Studio Code. FeaturesAdds basic syntax highlighting for most keywords, buildin functions and data types for eFLINT. For example:
More constructs or features may be added in the future. Ideally, a language server might even provide much more advanced syntax highlighting. InstallationTo install the extension in your local setup, you can either download the extension via the marketplace (recommended), download the package VSIX file from the repository or compile the VSIX file yourself. MarketplaceTo download the extension from the marketplace, simply go the Then, search for "eflint" and click on
This method is recommended because you can also automatically receive updates. DownloadingYou can also choose to download a specific version of the extension from its repository. Simply select the desired release, and then download the Then, you can install the extension by going to the
Navigate to the
The extension should be installed once this operation completes. CompilationBefore you begin, you should first install
Then you can clone the repository:
This will generate the package To install the extension, you can follow the steps taken for downloading the extension, except that you already have a UsageTo use the extension, simply create a new file.
If you give the new file a
Release NotesA brief overview of each release is given here. For more details, check the CHANGELOG.md file. 1.2.0More keywords and support for 1.1.1Bug fixes for comments and links in the README. 1.1.0Added support for a lot more keywords, operators and identifiers. Also added an icon for the language. 1.0.0Initial release of the extension. |