Snippet Pulse
Stay in sync with the pulse of your code snippets and enhance productivity
SnippetPulse is a powerful tool designed to simplify the creation and insertion of code snippets by defining them through JavaScript functions.
It allows you to define snippets with customizable arguments, transforming them dynamically based on user input, and integrating them seamlessly into your workflow.
The SnippetPulse configuration can be accessed through the following command:
"command": "snippetpulse.config",
"title": "SnippetPulse > CONFIG"
/* ***** SNIPPET TYPE ***** */
type Snippet = {
// Name displayed in the snippet suggestions list (required)
name: string;
// Definition of all the arguments required for the snippet (default: [])
args: Arg[];
// Function that will return the final snippet. Each element of the returned array will be inserted as a line (required)
transform: (args: any) => string[];
// Regular expression that will check if the absolute path of the file selected by the user matches the pattern (default: the snippet is available globally)
regex: RegExp;
// Determines whether the snippet is available for use (default: true)
active: boolean;
/* ***** ARG TYPE ***** */
type Arg = {
// Identifier of the argument (required)
// Used to reference the argument in the transform function
name: string;
// Type of the argument (required)
type: "input" | "selection" | "infinite";
// Placeholder (optional for type: "input" | "selection" otherwise useless)
placeholder: string;
// Prompt message to help the user understand what input is required (optional for type: "input" | "selection" otherwise useless)
prompt: string;
// Selection options for the argument (required for type: "selection" otherwise useless)
selection: {
// Possible options that a user can select with the label first and the value (required)
options: [string, any][];
// Determines whether the user can select multiple options or just one (default: false)
canPickMany: boolean;
// Subarguments for the infinite argument (required for type: "infinite" otherwise useless)
subargs: Arg[];
With this configuration, you can define a snippet that generates JSON and XML files based on user input:
const snippets = [
name: "data-format",
regex: /((\.json)$)|((\.xml)$)/,
args: [
name: "typeFiles",
type: "selection",
selection: {
options: [
["JSON", { type: "json", minimal: false }],
["Minimal JSON", { type: "json", minimal: true }],
["XML", { type: "xml", minimal: false }],
["Minimal XML", { type: "xml", minimal: true }],
canPickMany: true,
prompt: "Select the type of files you want to generate",
name: "root",
type: "input",
prompt: "Enter the root element name",
placeholder: "data",
name: "attributes",
type: "infinite",
subargs: [
name: "attribute",
type: "input",
prompt: "Enter the attribute name",
name: "value",
type: "input",
prompt: "Enter the attribute value",
name: "type",
type: "selection",
selection: {
options: [
["String", "string"],
["Number", "number"],
["Array", "array"],
canPickMany: false,
prompt: "Type of the attribute",
transform: ({ typeFiles, root, attributes }) => {
// Convert attributes to a JSON string (minified or not)
const toJsonString = (attrs, minimal) => {
let data = { [root]: {} };
for (const attr of attrs) {
data[root][attr.attribute] =
attr.type === "number"
? Number(attr.value)
: attr.type === "array"
? attr.value.trim().split(",")
: attr.value;
return JSON.stringify(data, null, minimal ? 0 : 2);
// Convert attributes to an XML string (minified or not)
const toXmlString = (attrs, minimal) => {
const nextLine = minimal ? "" : "\n";
const nextLineAndTab = minimal ? "" : "\n\t";
let data = `<${root}>`;
for (const attribute of attrs) {
if (attribute.type === "array") {
const values = attribute.value.trim().split(",");
for (const value of values) {
data += `${nextLineAndTab}<${attribute.attribute}>${value}</${attribute.attribute}>`;
} else {
data += `${nextLineAndTab}<${attribute.attribute}>${
attribute.type === "number" ? Number(attribute.value) : attribute.value
data += `${nextLine}</${root}>`;
return data;
// Generate the body for each type of file
let body = [];
for (const typeFile of typeFiles) {
const dataBody =
typeFile.type === "json"
? toJsonString(attributes, typeFile.minimal)
: toXmlString(attributes, typeFile.minimal);
return body;
The SnippetPulse insertion can be accessed through the following command:
"command": "snippetpulse.insert",
"title": "SnippetPulse > INSERT"
The following video shows how to insert a snippet using the configuration defined above:
Other Examples
const snippets = [
name: "replace-separators",
transform: ({ text, newSeparator }) => {
return [text.replace(/[\._ -]/g, newSeparator)];
args: [
name: "text",
type: "input",
prompt: "Enter the text to replace the separators",
placeholder: "H-E_L L.O",
name: "newSeparator",
type: "selection",
prompt: "Enter the new separator",
selection: {
options: [
["Space", " "],
["Hyphen", "-"],
["Underscore", "_"],
["Dot", "."],
canPickMany: false,
name: "perf-function",
transform: ({ functionName, argNames }) => {
let body = [];
body.push("// --------------------------------- //");
body.push(`let t1 = new Date().getTime()`);
body.push(`console.log(\`Start ${functionName}: \${t1 }\`)`);
body.push(`let t2 = new Date().getTime()`);
body.push(`console.log(\`End ${functionName}: \${t2 }\`)`);
body.push(`console.log(\`Execution time ${functionName}: \${t2 - t1} ms\`)`);
body.push("// --------------------------------- //");
return body;
args: [
name: "functionName",
type: "input",
prompt: "Enter the function name",
placeholder: "myFunction",
name: "argNames",
type: "input",
prompt: "Enter the arguments names",
placeholder: "arg1, arg2",