Jupyter Notebook Section RunnerFor rapid execution of specific notebook sections. This VSCode extension allows you to run a specific section or subsection of your Jupyter notebook via keyboard shortcut. Usage RulesKeep your markdown headers organized for this to work correctly!
How I use this extensionI tend to hack around in jupyter notebooks, rendering images and plots. Sometimes I tweak something mutliple cells up and need to rerun a series of cells. I'll use this to quickly fire off a executions of particular cells, without executing all the remaining cells in the notebook, as sometimes it will kick off multiple training jobs in sequence. Default KeybindingThe default keybinding to activate the Section runner is:
Customizing KeybindingsTo change the keybinding:
Feedback and ContributionsIf you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on my GitHub repository. Contributions are welcome! LicenseThis extension is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. |