LinuxCNC RS274 G-Code Language Support for Visual Studio Code
This extension provides syntax highlighting and code formatting support for G-code files in Visual Studio Code. It includes:
- Syntax Highlighting: Color-coding for different G-code elements such as commands, variables, comments, operators, and more.
- Code Formatter: Automatically formats G-code files to enhance readability.
Based on
Syntax Highlighting
- G-code commands (e.g.,
G1 , M3 )
- Control flow keywords (e.g.,
- Operators (e.g.,
+ , - , * , / )
- Numeric constants (e.g.,
100 , 5.5 )
- Variables (e.g.,
#100 , <parameter> )
- Comments (single-line using
; , block comments using ( and ) )
- Functions (e.g.,
- Indentation: The formatter automatically adds indentation to G-code statements and flow blocks.
- Flow Control: Properly formats flow control blocks (
IF , WHILE , DO , RETURN , etc.).
- Assignments: Ensures assignment statements are properly formatted with spacing (
#100 = 5 ).
- Inline Comments: Keeps comments formatted inline with code for better readability.
Install from Visual Studio Code Marketplace
- Open Visual Studio Code.
- Go to the Extensions view by clicking the square icon in the sidebar.
- Search for G-Code Language Support.
- Click Install on the extension page.
Install via VSIX (Manual Installation)
- Download the
.vsix file from the extension release page.
- In Visual Studio Code, go to the Extensions view.
- Click the
... (three-dot) menu and select Install from VSIX....
- Select the downloaded
.vsix file.
- Open your G-code file (
.gcode , .nc , or .cnc ) in Visual Studio Code.
- The syntax highlighting will be automatically applied based on the contents of the file.
- To format the document, either:
- Press
Shift + Alt + F (Windows/Linux) or Shift + Option + F (Mac) to format the entire file.
- Right-click inside the editor and select Format Document from the context menu.
You can modify the default indentation behavior and other settings via the settings.json file in Visual Studio Code. For example:
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"editor.insertSpaces": true
**G-Code Parsing Rules **
1. General Structure
Every letter (A-Z) acts as a word and must be followed by a value expression.
A value expression consists of:
- Numbers (
1 , -10.5 )
- Parameters (
#1 , #<test> )
- Functions (
ABS , SQRT , SIN , etc.)
- Bracketed expressions (
[...] )
- Arithmetic operators (
+ , - , * , / , ** ) (inside brackets)
- Logical operators (
AND , OR , XOR ) (inside brackets)
- Comparison operators (
LT , LE , GT , GE , EQ , NE ) (inside brackets)
- Unary operators (
+ , - ) at the start of a value expression
- Bracketed expressions can contain other bracketed expressions (deep nesting allowed)
🔹 Clarifications:
G#1 is valid syntax without requiring brackets, since #1 is a value expression.
G[1] is valid, since [1] is a bracketed value expression.
G-1 is valid in ALS, as -1 is a correctly structured value expression, even if LinuxCNC does not currently support G-1 .
✅ Valid Examples:
A[SQRT[4]] ; ✅ `A` is a word, `[SQRT[4]]` is a value expression
B-ABS[-1] ; ✅ `B` is a word, `-ABS[-1]` is a value expression
C#100 ; ✅ `C` is a word, `#100` is a value expression
D---10 ; ✅ `D` is a word, `---10` is a valid value expression
E[5+SQRT[#3]] ; ✅ `E` is a word, `[5+SQRT[#3]]` is a valid value expression
F#1 ; ✅ `F` is a word, `#1` is a value expression (no brackets needed)
G[1] ; ✅ `G` is a word, `[1]` is a value expression (valid bracketed syntax)
H-1 ; ✅ `H` is a word, `-1` is a valid value expression (ALS allows it)
I[#1+1] ; ✅ `I` is a word, `[#1+1]` is a valid bracketed value expression
J#<test> ; ✅ `J` is a word, `#<test>` is a valid value expression
❌ Invalid Examples:
G ; ❌ `G` is a word but has no value expression
XAND10 ; ❌ `AND` must be inside brackets and between two values
G[#<test>+5][5+5] ; ❌ A word was expected after closing the first bracket
2. Spacing Rules
- Spaces are ignored in parsing.
GABS[-1]X500 is identical to G A B S [ - 1 ] X 5 0 0
O500ENDSUB is identical to O 5 0 0 E N D S U B
- There is no requirement to add spaces between words.
✅ Valid Examples (Equivalent G-Code):
G A B S [ - 1 ] X 5 0 0
These are identical in meaning.
3. Special Handling of O Words (Program Flow)
The only exception to the "word + value expression" rule is O words, which represent program flow statements.
- An
O word must always be followed by a valid value expression.
- After the value expression, a flow control keyword (
IF , WHILE , SUB , ENDSUB , CALL , etc.) must follow.
- Conditional statements (
IF , WHILE ) must be followed by a bracketed expression ([...] ) containing a valid logical comparison.
- Non-conditional flow control statements (
SUB , ENDSUB , etc.) do not require a following value expression.
- For
CALL , multiple value expressions can follow, but each must be enclosed in brackets ([...] ).
✅ Valid Examples:
O#100 IF [#10 LT 11] ; `O` word, `#100` valid value expression, `IF` flow control
O-ABS[#5] WHILE [#<test> GE 5] ; `O` word, `-ABS[#5]` valid value expression, `WHILE` flow control
O[#1+1] SUB ; `O` word, `[#1+1]` valid value expression, `SUB` starts a subroutine
O[SIN[#<var>]] ENDSUB ; `O` word, `[SIN[#<var>]]` valid value expression, `ENDSUB` ends a subroutine
OEXP[#100+[10**2]] CALL [#1] [-1] [ABS[#5]] ; `O` word, `EXP[#100+[10**2]]` valid value expression, `CALL` with multiple valid bracketed value expressions
❌ Invalid Examples:
O[SIN[#<var>]] [#10 LT 11] ; ❌ Flow control keyword (IF, WHILE, etc.) missing after value expression
OEXP[#100] IF -[#1] ; ❌ `IF` condition must be fully enclosed in brackets
OEXP[#100] CALL [#1]( -1 ABS[#5] ; ❌ Each additional value expression after `CALL` must be enclosed in brackets
O500 SUB [#10] ; ❌ `SUB` does not accept additional value expressions
O#100 WHILE 5 LT [#1]( ; ❌ `WHILE` condition must be enclosed in brackets
🔹 Clarifications:
- An
O word must always be followed by a valid value expression.
- A flow control keyword (
IF , WHILE , SUB , CALL , etc.) must always follow the value expression.
CALL can accept multiple value expressions, but each must be enclosed in brackets ([...] ).
- Conditions for
IF , WHILE , etc., must always be fully enclosed in brackets.
- Flow control keywords like
SUB , ENDSUB do not accept additional value expressions.
4. Assignments (# Parameter Assignments)
An assignment must start with a # , followed by a value expression, then an = sign, and then another valid value expression.
- The assignment itself (
= ) cannot be inside square brackets.
- The right-hand side must be a valid value expression.
- Binary operators (
+ , - , * , / , AND , etc.) require square brackets ([...] ), but = is NOT a binary operator.
✅ Valid Assignments:
[#1]( = 10 ; ✅ Assign number
[#100]( = -5 ; ✅ Assign negative number
#<var> = [#5]( ; ✅ Assign parameter to another parameter
#<test> = SQRT[#1 + 2] ; ✅ Assign function result to parameter
#<a> = -ABS[#3] ; ✅ Assign function with unary operator
[#1]( = [10 + 5] ; ✅ Right-hand side can be a bracketed expression
[#1]( = [[#1] + [#1]] ; ✅ Nested bracketed expressions
❌ Invalid Assignments:
# = 10 ; ❌ Missing value expression after #
[#1]( 10 ; ❌ Missing assignment operator (=)
#<test> - 5 ; ❌ Missing assignment operator (=)
[#1 = 10] ; ❌ Assignment inside brackets is invalid
Yes, that is consistent with what we discussed. A value expression always follows a word expression or a flow word, but when it follows a flow word, it must be enclosed in brackets ([...] ).
5. Value Expressions
A value expression follows strict rules and always comes after either:
- A word expression (e.g.,
G , X , F , etc.).
- A flow word (
IF , WHILE , CALL , etc.), but in this case, it must be enclosed in brackets ([...] ).
A value expression must be one of the following:
- A single value:
- Numbers:
1 , -10.5
- Parameters:
#1 , #<test>
- A function call:
ABS[#10] , SQRT[#3] , SIN[#2] , etc.
- A bracketed expression (
[...] ):
- Contains a valid value expression
- Can contain other bracketed expressions (nested expressions allowed)
- Bracketed expressions can be nested inside assignments.
- A binary operation inside brackets (
[...] ):
[#10 + [#20](] , [#<X> * 2] , [#<X> LT #<Y>]
- A logical operation inside brackets (
[...] ):
[#<A> LT #<B> AND #<C> GE #<D>]
- A unary operation (
+ , - ) applied to any of the above:
-#10 , +5 , -ABS[#<X>] , -SIN[#5]
🔹 Clarifications:
- Value expressions always come after a word expression or a flow word.
- Value expressions after a word expression do not require brackets.
- ✅
G-1 , X#100 , F[ABS[-1]] are all valid.
- Value expressions after a flow word must be enclosed in brackets (
[...] ).
- ✅
IF [#10 LT 11] , WHILE [#<test> GE 5] , CALL [#1] [#2] [-ABS[#5]] are all valid.
- Bracketed expressions (
[...] ) are required for binary expressions (+ , - , * , / , AND , etc.).
- ✅
G[1 + 2] is valid, but ❌ G1 + 2 is invalid.
- Unary expressions (
+ , - ) do not require brackets unless they are part of a binary operation.
- ✅
G-1 , X-ABS[#5] are valid, but ❌ IF -#1 is invalid (must be IF [-#1] ).
✅ Valid Value Expressions:
G-1 ; ✅ Word `G` followed by a valid unary number value expression
X---10 ; ✅ Multiple unary negations resolve to `-10`
F#100 ; ✅ `F` followed by a valid parameter value expression
G[SQRT[4]] ; ✅ `G` followed by a valid bracketed function call
G[#1 - 1] ; ✅ `G` followed by a binary operation inside brackets
G[-#1*1]X--+ABS[-10] ; ✅ Unary and binary operators combined
IF [#<test> LT #<value>] ; ✅ `IF` flow word followed by a properly bracketed logical expression
WHILE [#<x> GE [#10](] ; ✅ `WHILE` flow word followed by a properly bracketed condition
CALL [#100] [-ABS[#5]] [SQRT[#1]] ; ✅ `CALL` flow word followed by multiple bracketed value expressions
❌ Invalid Value Expressions:
[A LT B] ; ❌ `A` and `B` are not valid value expressions (missing `#<A>`)
G[SQRT[4]]X - ; ❌ `-` must be followed by a valid operand
[#1 = 10] ; ❌ Assignments cannot be inside brackets
[#1]( = [10 + ] ; ❌ Incomplete binary operation
[#1]( = [[#1] + ] ; ❌ Missing operand in nested expression
IF -#1 ; ❌ `IF` must be followed by a bracketed condition (`IF [-#1]`)
CALL [#1]( -1 ABS[#5] ; ❌ Each value expression after `CALL` must be inside brackets (`[...]`)
🔹 Summary of Value Expression Rules:
Context |
Example |
Valid? |
Word + value expression |
G-1 |
✅ Yes |
Word + parameter |
X#100 |
✅ Yes |
Word + function call |
F[ABS[#5]] |
✅ Yes |
Flow word + bracketed expression |
IF [#10 LT 11] |
✅ Yes |
Flow word + multiple bracketed expressions |
CALL [#1] [-ABS[#5]] |
✅ Yes |
Word + binary operation in brackets |
G[#1 + 1] |
✅ Yes |
Flow word without brackets |
IF -#1 |
❌ No |
Binary operation without brackets |
G1 + 2 |
❌ No |
CALL with unbracketed values |
CALL [#1]( -1 ABS[#5] |
❌ No |
6. Operators (Clarified Unary & Binary Operators)
🔹 Unary Operators (+ , - )
- A value expression can start with multiple unary operators (
+ , - ).
- Unary operators must be applied to a valid value expression (number, parameter, function, or bracketed expression).
- They cannot be applied to a word or logical expression.
G-1 is valid formatting, even if LinuxCNC does not support it.
✅ Valid Unary Operator Cases:
[#1]( = -10 ; ✅ `-` applied to a number
G#100X-ABS[-1] ; ✅ `-` applied to function call
X-10 ; ✅ `-` applied to a number
A+SQRT[#3] ; ✅ `+` applied to function call
G-1 ; ✅ `G` is a word, `-1` is a value expression
Binary Operators (+ , - , * , / , AND , OR , etc.)
- Binary operators must be inside brackets (
[...] ).
- They must be placed between two value expressions.
- Comparison operators (
LT , LE , GT , GE , EQ , NE ) must be inside brackets and between valid operands.
- Logical operators (
AND , OR , XOR ) require two logical expressions inside brackets.
✅ Valid Binary Operators:
X[5 + -10] ; ✅ `-10` is a value expression
X[5 AND 10] ; ✅ `AND` requires two operands
#<A> = [#1 + [#2](] ; ✅ Assignment with a valid binary expression
❌ Invalid Binary Operators:
XAND10 ; ❌ `AND` requires brackets and two operands
X[AND 10] ; ❌ `AND` cannot be the first token in a bracketed expression
Logical Operators (AND , OR , XOR ) & Comparison Operators (LT , LE , GT , GE , EQ , NE )
- Comparison operators require two value expressions inside brackets.
- Logical operators require two logical expressions inside brackets.
- Named parameters (
#<A> , #<B> ) must be used instead of words inside bracketed logical expressions.
✅ Valid Logical Expressions:
[#<A> LT #<B> AND #<C> GE #<D>] ; ✅ Correct syntax
[#<X> EQ 10] ; ✅ Comparison operator
[#<X> LT #<Y>] ; ✅ Two value expressions compared
[[[#<A>] LT [#<B>]] AND [[#<C>] GE [#<D>]]] ; ✅ Fully bracketed nested logical expression
X[5 LT 10] ; ✅ `X` word followed by a valid logical comparison
X[#1 AND 5] ; ✅ `AND` between two valid value expressions
❌ Invalid Logical Expressions:
[A LT B] ; ❌ `A` and `B` are not valid value expressions
[[A LT B] AND [C GE D]] ; ❌ `A` and `B` are not valid value expressions
IF [#1]( LT 10 ; ❌ `IF` must be followed by a bracketed condition (`IF [#1 LT 10]`)
🆕 CHAPTER 7: Flow Control & Conditional Statements (Expanded for Clarity)
Flow control words (IF , WHILE , ENDSUB , etc.) only work inside O statements.
✅ Valid Flow Control Syntax
O#<A> IF [#<B> LT 10] ; ✅ `O` word, `#<A>` valid value expression, `IF` flow control
O-ABS[#5] WHILE [#<test> GE [#3](] ; ✅ `O` word, `-ABS[#5]` valid value expression, `WHILE` flow control
O[SQRT[#1+1]] SUB ; ✅ `O` word, `[SQRT[#1+1]]` valid value expression, `SUB` starts a subroutine
O[EXP[#100]+10] ENDSUB ; ✅ `O` word, `[EXP[#100]+10]` valid value expression, `ENDSUB` ends a subroutine
O[COS[#<var>]] CALL [#1] [-1] [ABS[#5]] ; ✅ `O` word, `[COS[#<var>]]` valid value expression, `CALL` with multiple valid bracketed value expressions
❌ Invalid Flow Control Cases
O[SIN[#<var>]] [#10 LT 11] ; ❌ Flow control keyword (IF, WHILE, etc.) missing after value expression
O[EXP[#100]] IF -[#1] ; ❌ `IF` condition must be fully enclosed in brackets
O[LOG[#10]] CALL [#1]( -1 ABS[#5] ; ❌ Each additional value expression after `CALL` must be enclosed in brackets
8. Summary of Parsing Rules
Rule |
Example |
Valid? |
A letter must be followed by a value expression |
G[#100] |
✅ Yes |
A letter can be followed by a function call |
G-ABS[-1] |
✅ Yes |
A letter can be followed by a parameter |
G#1 |
✅ Yes |
A letter can be followed by a bracketed value expression |
G[1] |
✅ Yes |
A letter can be followed by a negative number |
G-1 |
✅ Yes (Valid ALS Formatting, even if LinuxCNC does not support it) |
The only special letter is O (program flow) |
O500 IF [#10 LT 11] |
✅ Yes |
Unary operators can be stacked at the start of a value expression |
G[#100]X---10 |
✅ Yes |
Binary operators must be inside brackets |
X[5 AND 10] |
✅ Yes |
AND cannot be used without brackets |
XAND10 |
❌ No |
A word must follow a bracketed expression |
G[EXP[2]]X[5] |
✅ Yes |
Two consecutive bracketed expressions are invalid |
G[#<test>+5][5+5] |
❌ No |
Assignments require a value expression on the right-hand side |
#1 = [10 + 5] |
✅ Yes |
Assignments cannot be enclosed in brackets |
[#1 = 10] |
❌ No |
| |