Grade Calculator OverviewNot all colleges send you regular updates on your overal grade of each course. It's very convenient to have a handy tool to keep tracking by yourself. 10converters Grade Calculator is the best online tool to calculate your weighted average grade. Programmers in college actually don't need this because it's just simple math. Any programmer could do that manually on paper in seconds. I created this extension is just for fun. How it worksStep 1: open an editor window in vcodeFile --> New File would do that Step 2: write down your grades and weightsWrite down your current grades of all assessments of a course, like:
Each line in text editor has maxium 3 columns, seperated by commas. First column is name of the assessment, it's optional. The 2nd column is grade in percentage. The 3rd column is weight, like 30 means 30%. Step 3: calculateYou could start calculating now, it's not mandatory to save the above content into a disk file. Select 'View --> Command Pallete', and then input: 'Grade Calculator' You then will get the result from a popup. Thanks and enjoy. |