Custom Line Highlight (Visual Studio Code Extension)
This is a simple Visual Studio Code extension, adapted from the (seemingly-abandoned) highlight-line extension by Clifford Fajardo.
This extension is intended to be used in conjunction with the "editor.renderLineHighlight": "gutter" setting (otherwise, it's redundant).
- Supports multiple editors
- Doesn't overlap selection highlights
- Customizable height (defaults to
1.4em , however you can specify a height in pixels too)
- Custom colours for active vs inactive editors
Custom line highlight with the default line highlight set to Gutter:

And with a selection:

And with the full-line highlight:

v0.1.0 (current):
- Fixed line highlight not showing in other editors
- Fixed line highlight not appearing on startup
- Renamed (and added new) config options
- Large code re-structuring & cleanup
- Remember, I'm new to TypeScript (and I don't like it much)
- Stopped using the wrong variables inside functions (now referencing the parameters instead!)
- Bundled up the decoration types into a structure
- Separated the code for full-line highlights and partial highlights
- Added more events to hopefully keep the line highlight up-to-date when doing things like switching editors
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