A simple VS Code extension that helps you quickly scaffold a Clean Architecture feature (with presentation, domain, and data layers) inside your Flutter projects.
Prompts for a feature name (Dart-friendly naming).
Automatically checks your pubspec.yaml to see if it’s a Flutter project.
Generates folders (presentation, domain, data) and minimal boilerplate Dart files:
An entity file
A repository interface
Demo 1: Right-Click on a Folder
For the first approach, select the folder under lib where you want the new feature created. Right-click, then select "Clean Architecture: Create feature" from the context menu.
Demo 2: Use the Command Palette
For the second approach, open the Command Palette (Cmd+Shift+P on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux), type "Clean Architecture: Create feature", then enter the feature name. This will create the feature folder directly under the lib directory.
A Flutter project with pubspec.yaml.
(Optional) The Dart-Code.dart-code and Dart-Code.flutter extensions installed for best results.
If your project references dartz, ensure it’s listed under dependencies in pubspec.yaml.
Known Issues
Overwrites existing feature folders only if you confirm.
If no lib folder is detected, one is created automatically—but consider verifying that your project is a valid Flutter project first.
Release Notes
Initial release: Basic scaffolding for folders and entity/repository boilerplate files.