Debug entire CircleCI® workflows locally, with Bash access and caching between jobs. All in your local, no pushing commits and waiting. Not affiliated with CircleCI®. Author: Ryan Kienstra, Run Jobs LocallyDebuggingGet Bash access to the running job by clicking 'Local CI debugging': When the job exits, you'll still have Bash access to the job. Restore And Save CacheRun jobs faster when you cache dependencies. Local CI supports the native Run The Whole WorkflowYou can even run jobs that depend on other jobs, because this persists the workspace between jobs: CI jobs can fail because of wrong dependency versions, or flaky combinations of events. You'll get local Bash access to jobs, so you'll usually be able to see what's wrong and fix it. Thanks to CirleCI-Public/cirlceci-cli and mikefarah/yq, which this uses. CircleCI® is a registered trademark of Circle Internet Services, Inc. Dynamic ConfigsYou can run most dynamic configs with Local CI. Find out in seconds whether the setup is right, all in your local. License KeyLocal CI requires a license key for $20 per month. But first you'll get a free 30-day trial, no credit card needed. RequirementsIf you don't have a CircleCI® account, you can get started with CircleCI® for free. A If there's more than one PrivacyYou can opt out of all telemetry by adding this to your VS Code
If you haven't opted out, here are the telemetry events sent via VS Code telemetry. If you haven't entered a license key, like during the free trial, the only interaction this extension has with Local CI's site is if you optionally enter your email on first activating this extension. It does interact with CircleCI® and Docker to process and run the jobs. But the jobs still only run locally. Local CI has no server that runs jobs, so the site has no knowledge of the jobs or any data from them. If you have entered a license key, it only sends to the Local CI site a This is to verify that the license key is only used on 1 machine. Here's an example machineId: And that machineId is hashed with Feel free to look at the source code for how Local CI works. When To UseLocal CI won't replace the CircleCI® service, it's a debugging tool to use with it. If you think CI will pass, it'll probably be faster to simply push a commit and let CI run. Local CI is not for making deployments. LicenseGPL v2 or later |