@linus.codes Light Theme
This is just another VSCode Theme, created by @linus.codes. Enjoy!
Get more out of it
To fully customize your editor to fit this theme, you can add a little more code to your settings.json
(you can access it with the Command Palette: Cmd + Shift + P
You can scroll all the way down and you can add a section after the last property. The one you want to create is called "workbench.colorCustomizations"
This is the whole code to paste in:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[@linus.codes Light]": {
"statusBar.background": "#FF4641",
"statusBar.foreground": "#fff",
"statusBar.noFolderBackground": "#e16e44",
"statusBar.noFolderForeground": "#fff",
"statusBar.debuggingBackground": "#e16e44",
"statusBar.debuggingForeground": "#fff",
"editorLineNumber.foreground": "#2e2e2e",
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#e1e1e1",
"sideBar.background": "#EAF4F4",
"sideBar.border": "#fff",
"sideBarSectionHeader.background": "#e1e1e1",