This extenstion is aim to speed up unity development.
For now it has two features:
add new file function with asmdef file parsing and template editing
unity project version managing (version increament and git auto tag and pushing)
to add New file
press F1 or ctrl+shift+p and type addunityscript / right click on file/folder in workspace and select Add Unity Script and follow prompts
to update unity version
press F1 or ctrl+shift+p and type unityappversion and follow prompts
Add New File
asmdef file parsing: new csharp script will be added to the csproj defined be it's controling asmdef file, or defulat("Assembly-CSharp/Assembly-CSharp-Editor") if it is not controled by and asmdef file.
templating: when the extension run for the first time in the current unity project. it will generate 3 template for new file contents. These template are located in \Asset\ScriptTemplates. a asmref file will also be created in the folder. this template is never reference in Editor/Builds. but they can utilize linter as the asmdef creates a valid csproj.
the rule for template file name is: those with .tpl.cs can be used in none-editor folder and .tpl.editor.cs can be used in editor folder.
template can has json replacement setting in the first line commnet.
each key is a JS regex matching what to replace (globally in the template file).
value start with $ is recognized as variable. $basename is built-in variable containing the new file name without extension. other variable can be defined in variables.json in \Asset\ScriptTemplates. if the variable is not found a input box will show up asking for user input.
value start with # is relative path to namespace converter. path up-to the string value will be converted to dot spread namespace. if the value is not found up to \Asset folder. the string value it self will be returned.
other string value will trigger a a input box for user input.
template public Class _someName\_{} will be replace by public Class NewFile\_{} when created with the name NewFile.cs
Unity Project version managing
optional add=>commit=>push git repo content
update unity project version (Major/Minor/Patch/Build)
added version tag to git project
submit version and tag to git repo
unity project version follows pattern Major.Minor.Patch and extra (IOS/Andriod) build number
Increasing version number to the left will reset all version to the left to 0
Android build number is a excetion as it need to be unique not it self so it is never rested
Known Issues
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Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.