This extension enables you jump to anywhere with two key strokes.
quickJump.anchors : Anchor signs (default: hklyuiopnm,qwertzxcvbasdgjf;0123456789/)
quickJump.regex : Custom regex to match for anchors (default: \b\w|\w\b|\w(?=_)|(?<=_)\w|(?<=[a-z0-9])[A-Z])
quickJump.textColor : The font color for other text (default: #777777)
quickJump.blockAnchorColor : The font color for block anchor (default: #ffb400)
quickJump.wordAnchorColor : The font color for the word anchor (default: #ff0000)
quickJump.jumpBeforeAnchor : Jump before anchor (default: false) Set this to true if you have VIM extension installed
quickJump.columns : Number of columns you can jump (default: 300)
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