ef-core-snippets README
EF Core Snippets generates useful snippets that saves your time on your new project setup.
Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. → means Tab .
!dbinfo→ | for using in appsettings.json file, DB connection string.
!mycontext→ | for using in YourContext.cs file, context setup string.
!setup→ | for using in Setup.cs file, including DB and Session setup.
!hcdb→ | for using in HomeController.cs file, creates a dbContext var for your context.
!!usr→ | for using in User.cs file, creates a basic User DB model template.
!pwvmdl→ | for using in the password validation MODEL file, creates a template for hashed password validation.
!lrmdl→ | for using in the login®istration MODEL file, creates a template for holding login and registration forms on the same page.
!lgrghtml→ | for login and register HTML file, creates a html template for login and registration page with Bootstrap.
Release Notes
Very first version of EF Core Snippets.
Initial release of EF Core Snippets
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