If you have several YAML or YML files linked together for the purpose of ADO pipelines or GH actions, it's easy to get lost in the myriad of template references. This extension produces a graph of references using MermaidJS to help come to terms with the mess.
To use, CtrlShiftP (command palette) then call "Generate YAML Graph"
Selecting a start file, it will graph out the references.
Can show:
Conditions of a link (when using ${{ if <condition> }} syntax)
Multiple links from one file to another (if links have different conditions)
Multi parent links
Other notes:
Root only needs to be a text file with YAML structured text, not necessarily with a yaml extension
Any yaml structured file is fine for linked files, extension doesn't matter
Linked files don't need to exist to appear in the graph
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
yaml-grapher.orientation: Choose whether the graph is displayed top-down, bottom-up, left-right or right-left
yaml-grapher.theme: Set to a different theme; "default", "neutral", "dark", "forest"