Welcome to a kind of tiny manager for Asana. The idea of this extension is to simplify the workflow and improve your coding time between tasks, as you can get a little peek of each one without closing or minimizing VSCode.
OAuth2 Authentication with Lambda non-server function. No need for Personal Tokens. Just easier.
Search for uncompleted tasks.
Search for today-uncompleted tasks.
Pretty Sidebar made up with Vue. ( For now, only auth and task searching )
Full details of selected task, comming from sidebar or top command prompt.
Search for all projects and taking you to the Asana's project page.
Please send some new ideas or new features to be developed to leoaimar22@gmail.com.
NodeJS installed, obviously.
Extension Settings
No settings tab for now.
Known Issues
Calling out known issues can help limit users opening duplicate issues against your extension.
Asana Manager: Look for today tasks - Searchs for today uncompleted tasks
Asana Manager: Look for uncompleted tasks - Searchs for uncompleted tasks
Asana Manager: Unlink from current workspace - Getting rid of the workspace config.
Asana Manager: Authenticate - Starts OAuth flow.
Asana Manager: Deauthenticate - Revokes auth.
Asana Manager: List projects - Gets all projects on current workspace.
Asana Manager: List workspaces - Gets all workspaces and sets it as default.
Asana Manager: Who Am I? - Prompts an info message box telling who are you =D.