VS Code Extension to manage all URLs found inside the workspace files
This is what the Project URLs Manager looks like when open:
Search Input: Input Search for URLs on the list
Ignored URLs Visibility Toggle Toggle whenever you want to see or not the ignored URLs on the list
URL Actions: Copy to Clipboard, Ignore, Restore, Star and Unstar actions
Ignored URL: When ignored URLs are visible, they get a little bit of opacity
URL Address: Click at the URL address to open on your browser
URL Description: Add a quick description of the URL
Status Bar/Open Button: See how many URLs were found on your project and click to open the manager window
Treview: Pannels that shows all URLs separated by status. Each item has two buttons, one to open the URL in the browser, and another to open the file source of the URL with the cursor positioned exactly where the URL was found.
Extension Settings
Manage the extension settings
A comma-separated string of valid file extension types that should be considered on sync. (E.g. '.js,.css,.html')
A comma-separated string of domains to be ignored on sync. (E.g. 'google.con,facebook.com')
A comma-separated string of paths to be ignored on sync. (E.g. 'node_modules,src/your-file.js')
The extension settings on VS Code JSON settings file are:
There are some commands available for the extension too:
This command is used just by tree view, so if you execute it nothing is gonna happen
Show Project URLs Manager TreeView List
Show Project URLs Manager TreeView List and focus on Ignored pannel
Search for URLs in all files, respecting the ignorePaths, ignoreDomains and extensionsList provided configurations
Show Project URLs Manager TreeView List and focus on Normal pannel
Show Project URLs Manager TreeView List and focus on Starred pannel
After syncing, data is cached like images and descriptions of the URLs. Use this command to force the clean of this cache.