IDACode faciliates the usage and development of IDAPython scripts. It features the execution of Python scripts in your IDA instance and a debugger that allows you to debug your scripts.
IDACode supports the following main features:
Script execution in IDAs environment
Debugging scripts with VS Code's remote debugger
In order to use IDACode ensure that you have set all necessary information in IDACode's extension settings. For information on how to set up IDACode for IDA please refer to the project repository.
Extension Settings
IDACode requires the following settings to be set in order to function correctly: the host address that is running IDA
IDACode.port: the port IDA is listening on
IDACode.debug.port: the debug port the IDAPython debugger is listening on
To enable autocomplete for your scripts create a file called .env and extend your existing PYTHONPATH environment variable with the path to your IDAPython modules. An example .env could be:
IDACode doesn't support host to VM communication unless the VM uses a shared volume that matches the workspace path set in VS Code when connecting to IDA.