Eiffel Language Support
This Visual Studio Code extension provides syntax highlighting and code snippets for Eiffel language development.
Once installed, files with the .e extension will automatically activate the Eiffel syntax highlighting and snippet
Syntax Highlighting
The Eiffel language syntax is supported through a custom grammar definition. It highlights the following:
- Comments: Single-line comments start with
-- .
Keywords: Keywords such as class , feature , do , end , if , else , from , and more are highlighted.
- Variables: All variable names that follow standard Eiffel naming conventions are highlighted.
- Constants: Common constants like
True , False , Void , Result , and Current are included.
- String Literals: Double-quoted strings are highlighted, with escape sequences recognized within them.
- Numbers: Numeric constants are highlighted.
Modifiers: Keywords like
deferred , expanded , and storage modifiers are highlighted for better readability.
- Class Definitions: The extension provides recognition for class structures, including inheritance and class-level
Code Snippets
C# / Java keywords for snippets, just write the familiar keywords from your mind, and press tab.
Assignments / conversions:
- assignment
- cast
- convert_from
- convert_to
- fun / routine
- once fun / once routine
Branching and checks:
- if
- elif / elseif / else if
- switch / inspect
- case / when
- check
- instanceof / check type
- if not null / check not null
- if attached / check attached
- for / repeat
- foreach / across
- foreach all
- foreach some
- retry
- throw if null / throw if not attached / throw if detached
- class
- expanded class
- abstract class / deferrred class
Class instantiation:
- new statement / create statement
- new expression / create expression
Class variables:
Class functions:
- abstract fun / deferred routine
- export fun / external routine
- init attribute
- private features
- private creates
- private constructors
- protected features
- protected constructors
- protected constructors
Enjoy coding in Eiffel with enhanced productivity!
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