A simple text based dashboard for VS Code inspired by Nvim Dashboard
Customizable hotkeys
Customizable ascii art logo
Customizable bottom message
Adjust the settings to add your own hotkeys, logo, and messages. This may require some knowledge of the VS Code API and how to modify your settings JSON file. You may need to reload the window to see changes ("Developer: Reload Window" in the command palette).
[x] Recent projects
[x] Customizable hotkeys
[x] Customizable ascii art logo
[x] Customizable bottom message
[x] Recent files
[ ] Color customization
[ ] Additional themes
[ ] Solve the issue of hotkeys being active when side bars are open and focused
Known Issues
I have not found a way to detect when the focus of the user has shifted from the dashboard to a different view (e.g., side bars, terminal, etc.). According to this github issue, this does not seem like it will be solved. This means that if you have the dashboard open and try to use a side bar or other view, the hotkeys will still be active. The only way to deactivate the hotkeys is to close the dashboard.