READMERoboDark BRINGS YOUR CODE TO LIFE! A dark theme with enhanced syntax highlighting intended for JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. But it goes further and is continuously being updated. It's not just visually appealing but practical as well. The scoped syntax makes it easy to identify your code and visualize its structure. RoboDark offers a broad spectrum of magic colors, beautifully contrasted with the dark theme behind it. Types, are are consistently colored across langauges as much as possible. See the beauty in your code, identify its structure, and quickly spot mistakes. The langauges currently supported are:
RoboDark has its roots in JavaScript, so that's where it shines. It features Multi-colored punctuation as well, which is great for focusing on the bigger picture without loosing sight of the details. Consistent, eye popping colors, separate every piece of your code. Gray is a thing of the past. Its clean and stylish design is easy on the eyes. Inspired by Umut Topuzoğlu's Bluloco Dark Theme, RoboDark builds upon the great Bluloco color palette to create a better user experience.The colors are nice, but its scoped syntax highlighting is even nicer! Feel free to fork. Hope you enjoy! Screenshots
tsx && React + Ionic
Same code as directly above, without semantic highlighting
2021 Update: Enhance RoboDark with Coenraads Bracket-Pair-Colorizer-2I rescommend using Coenraads Bracket-Pair-Colorizer-2 Also available at VS Marketplace. It is a great utility and has better tag colors. Note