A designer for quickly creating code snippet , Scaffold Cascade , and Schematic diagram .
npm i @code-recycle/cli -D
Create a new script folder
- Choose a location to create a folder and create it in the following hierarchy
You can refer to the Demo Repo
├── action
│ ├── hello2.js
│ └── hello.js
├── snippet
│ ├── hello2.js
│ └── manifest.json
└── view
├── hello2.js
└── hello.js
Create Script
- Use the
editor to open the created folder, then right-click to quickly create a script

Editor Script

- Here we demonstrate how to change the
a declaration in a file from let to const
Test Selector
- Click on the corresponding node to automatically copy the relevant labels


AST View Debugger
- Located in the right upper corner of the editor's title bar.
- Used for visual debugging when selecting
custom rule

CSS Selector Universal Language Query
- Use
css selector for different language node queries
- Implement the majority of the CSS selector functions
name |
Support |
Descendant |
* , ,> ,< ,+ ,~ ,, |
Attribute |
[xx] ,[xx=yy] ,[xx^=yy] ,[xx$=yy] ,[xx*=yy] ,[xx!=yy] ,[xx~=yy] , [xx\|=yy] |
Pseudo |
:not ,:has ,:is ,:where ,:first-child ,:last-child ,:only-child ,:nth-child ,:nth-last-child ,:first-of-type ,:last-of-type ,:only-of-type ,:nth-of-type ,:nth-last-of-type ,:raw ,:use |
Pseudo-element |
::parent , ::children(x) ,::xx |
Custom pseudo-classes :raw : used to query the original value/tag attribute of the current node
xxx:raw([value=yyy]); this selector is used in very extreme scenarios and is used only in a few cases.
::parent : query the parent element
::children(x) : query the xth child element of the current element
::xx : query the custom child element defined in the current language.
Custom pseudo-classes :use : like :is ,Can query siblings and descendants
Query general attributes of a node
index : Index representing the position of the current node in its parent.
tag : Label of the node.
value : Text of the current node.
range : Position of the current node.
children : List of child elements of the current node.
type : Type of the node (node/token).
Supported Language/Grammar
- typescript(typescript)
- typescript(javascript)
- typescript(typescriptreact)
- typescript(javascriptreact)
- @angular/compiler(ng-html)
- @angular/compiler(html)
- htmlparser2(html)
- htmlparser2(xml)
- jsonc-parser(json)
- gsql-ast-parser(sql)
- @vue/compiler-dom(vue)
@lezer |
cpp |
css |
html |
java |
javascript |
json |
lezer |
markdown |
php |
python |
rust |
sass |
xml |
antl4 |
abb |
abnf |
acme |
adaparent/ada83 |
adaparent/ada95 |
adaparent/ada2005 |
alef |
algol60 |
alloy |
alpaca |
angelscript |
antlrparent/antlr2 |
apt |
arangodb |
argus |
arithmetic |
asmparent/asm6502 |
asmparent/asm8086 |
asmparent/asmMASM |
asmparent/asmZ80 |
asmparent/masm |
asmparent/nasm |
asmparent/pdp7 |
asmparent/ptx-parent/ptx-2.1 |
asnparent/asn |
atl |
b |
basic |
bcl |
bibcode |
Bicep |
bnf |
C |
calculator |
callable |
caql |
cayenne |
clf |
clojure |
cmake |
cobol85 |
CPP14 |
cql |
cql3 |
creole |
CSS3 |
csv |
cto |
cypher |
Dart2 |
datalog |
dcm |
dice |
doiurl |
dot |
edif300 |
edn |
elixir-parser |
erlang |
esolangparent/brainflack |
esolangparent/cool |
esolangparent/dgol |
esolangparent/lolcode |
esolangparent/loop |
esolangparent/nanofuck |
esolangparent/snowball |
esolangparent/wheel |
fasta |
fdo91 |
fen |
flowmatic |
focal |
fol |
fortranparent/fortran77 |
fortranparent/fortran90 |
fusiontables |
glsl |
gml |
golang |
graphql |
graphstream-dgs |
gtin |
guitartab |
html |
http |
hypertalk |
ical |
icon |
inf |
informix |
infosapient |
iri |
iso8601 |
istc |
jam |
janus |
javaparent/java |
javaparent/java8 |
javaparent/java20 |
jsparent/javascript |
jpa |
json |
json5 |
karel |
kirikiri-tjs |
kotlinparent/kotlin |
kuka |
kquery |
lambda |
lcc |
less |
lisa |
lrc |
ltl |
Lua |
Lucene |
matlab |
mckeeman-form |
memcached |
metamath |
metric |
microc |
modelica |
modula2 |
moo |
morsecode |
PowerQuery |
mps |
muddb |
mumath |
muparser |
newick |
oberon |
oncrpc |
orwell |
p |
pascal |
pbm |
pcre |
pddl |
pdn |
peoplecode |
pii |
pl0 |
plucid |
ply |
postalcode |
prolog |
promql |
propcalc |
properties |
protobuf2 |
protobuf3 |
pythonparent/python3 |
qif |
quakemap |
racket-bsl |
racket-isl |
rcs |
refal |
restructuredtext |
rfc822parent/datetime |
rfc822parent/rfc822 |
domain |
filter |
robotwar |
romannumerals |
ron |
rpn |
Corundum |
rust |
scotty |
scss |
semver |
sexpression |
sgf |
sharc |
sieve |
smalltalk |
smiles |
smtlibv2 |
snobol |
Solidity |
sqlparent/athena |
sqlparent/derby |
sqlparent/drill |
sqlparent/hiveparent/hivev2 |
sqlparent/hiveparent/hivev3 |
sqlparent/hiveparent/hivev4 |
sqlparent/mysql |
sqlparent/plsql |
sqlparent/trino |
sqlparent/tsql |
sqlparent/informix-sql |
stacktrace |
stellaris |
suokif |
swift-fin |
szf |
tcp |
telephone |
tiny |
tinybasic |
tinyc |
tinymud |
tl |
tnt |
trac |
tsv |
ttm |
turing |
turtle |
turtle-doc |
unicode/graphemes |
unreal_angelscript |
upnp |
url |
useragent |
vb6 |
verilogparent/verilog |
verilogparent/systemverilog |
vhdl |
vmf |
wavefront |
webidl |
wkt-crs-v1 |
wln |
wren |
xml |
xpathparent/xpath |
xpathparent/XPath20 |
tree-sitter |
haskell |
javascript |
php |
java |
c_sharp |
css |
cpp |
python |
c |
ruby |
go |
bash |
tsx |
json |
scala |
embedded_template |
agda |
jsdoc |
tsq |
regex |
ocaml |
ocaml_interface |
dbscheme |
ql |
toml |
swift |
ada |
sosl |
soql |
apex |
capnp |
clojure |
cmake |
comment |
commonlisp |
cuda |
d |
dockerfile |
dot |
elixir |
elm |
elisp |
erlang |
fennel |
fish |
formula |
fortran |
gitattributes |
gleam |
glsl |
gomod |
gowork |
graphql |
hack |
jq |
json5 |
kotlin |
lalrpop |
latex |
lean |
tablegen |
lua |
make |
markdown |
markdown_inline |
meson |
nix |
objc |
org |
pascal |
pgn |
proto |
racket |
rasi |
re2c |
rego |
rst |
r |
scss |
sexp |
smali |
sourcepawn |
sparql |
sql_bigquery |
ssh_client_config |
svelte |
thrift |
query |
turtle |
twig |
vue |
wat |
wast |
wgsl |
yaml |
yang |
tree-sitter needs to fetch code from the https://github.com/wszgrcy/tree-sitter-wasm-bundle repository or customized according to the format, then write the local path into the configuration file code-recycle.parser.tree-sitter.repository .
System |
Support |
test |
Windows |
[x] |
[x] |
Linux |
[x] |
[x] |
[x] |
[x] |
Software |
Support |
VSCode |
[x] |
The project code contains
Function |
Include |
I18n |
[x] |
Configuration WebView |
Extension |
About open source
- Before developers can maintain their livelihood and ensure sufficient energy to develop the plugin, the plugin will not be open-source temporarily.
- When developers can make a living from the plugin and maintain their lives, we will consider open-sourceing.
- Currently, the plugin has no commercial earnings.
- If you have better ideas for commercialization, please contact me at any time:
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