This extension contributes the following settings settings.json:
vnote.notesLocation: set the location for the notes. default is ~/vnote
vnote.notesDefaultExtension: set file type default is md
vnote.openPreview: if set extension will try to open preview (preview extensions are not included)
vnote.ignoredExtensions: by default notes explorer now list all files in vnotes folder however you can add extensions to ignoreExtensions to ignore them. eg. vnote.ignoredExtensions:'ts,js'
vnotes.notesExtension is now deprecated in favour of vnote.notesDefaultExtension. now you can create files with any extension when creating files.
changing default behavior of only list files with vnotes.notesExtension and now its list all extensions. files can be ignored using vnote.ignoredExtensions option.
rename input have old filename as default value.
Beta release of extension support asciidoc and markdown with auto-preview.