ETCD Explorer - VSCode ExtensionETCD Explorer is a Visual Studio Code extension that allows users to interact with an etcd cluster directly from the VSCode editor. You can view, search, and manage etcd keys and values seamlessly from a dedicated side panel. Features
How to Use1. View KeysOnce the extension is activated, you will see a new ETCD Explorer section in the side panel. Click on the arrow to view all keys from your etcd instance. 2. Search KeysYou can filter keys by typing a substring into the search input field located at the top of the ETCD Explorer panel. This will dynamically update the displayed keys. 3. Add a Key-Value PairClick the "+" button next to the search input to add a new key-value pair to your etcd instance. A prompt will appear for entering both the key and value. 4. View Key ValueClick on any key in the tree view to display its value. The value will be shown in a VSCode editor tab. If the key has already been opened, the existing tab will be refreshed. 5. Refresh the Tree ViewTo refresh the list of keys, click the refresh icon at the top of the ETCD Explorer side panel. 6. Configure ETCD URLYou can supply a custom etcd URL using the extension's configuration options. Extension SettingsTo configure the etcd URL:
CommandsThis extension provides several commands that can be accessed via the command palette (
ContributingWe welcome contributions! If you have suggestions or find bugs, please open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository. |