thtext |
th:text="${variable}" |
Display dynamic text in a template. |
thutext |
th:utext="${variable}" |
Display dynamic text in a template, while escaping special characters to prevent XSS attacks. |
thvalue |
th:value="${variable}" |
Set the value of an input field, select element, or textarea. |
thif |
th:if="${variable}" |
Conditionally include or exclude content based on a Boolean expression. |
thunless |
th:unless="${variable}" |
Conditionally exclude content based on a Boolean expression. |
theach |
th:each="item : ${item}" |
Iterate over a collection of objects and display the data for each one. |
thobject |
th:object="${variable}" |
Bind form data to a specific object in the model |
thhref |
th:href="@{url}" |
Dynamically set the destination URL for a hyperlink. |
thsrc |
th:src="@{url}" |
Dynamically set the source URL for an image or other media resource. |
thstyle |
th:style="${variable} == 'conditional'} ? 'true' : 'false'" |
Set the inline style for an element. |
thfield |
th:field="*{name}" |
Bind form field values to a specific property of a model object. |
thaction |
th:action="@{variable}" |
Specify the URL for form submissions. |
thclassappend |
th:classappend="${variable} == 'conditional'} ? 'true' : 'false'" |
Specify the URL for form submissions. |
thattr |
th:attr="data-attribute=${variable}" |
Set arbitrary attributes for an element. |
thfragment |
th:fragment="${content}" |
Define a reusable fragment of HTML that can be included in multiple templates. |
threplace |
th:replace="fragment :: content" |
Replace the contents of an element with the contents of a named fragment. |
thinclude |
th:include="common-header :: header" |
Include the contents of another template in the current template. |
thblock |
th:block="title" |
Define a block of content that can be overridden by templates that extend the current template. |
thswitch |
th:switch="${data}" |
Conditionally include content based on the value of a variable. |
thcase |
th:case="anything" |
Conjunction with th:switch to define a case in a switch statement. |
thwith |
th:with="anything" |
Expose a specific object in the model as a local variable, making it easier to access in the template. |
thinsert |
th:insert="anything :: anything" |
Include the contents of another template in the current template, replacing the contents of an element with an ID that matches the name of the included template. |
thremove |
th:remove="all" |
Remove an element from the template, including its contents. |