Quick Command README
QuickCommand allows quick command creation for Visual Studio Code.
- Run QuickCommands with hotkey
CTRL + ALT + D .
- Add QuickCommands to
.quickCommand.json file. (Hover over settings for docs. JSON Schema autocomplete.)
Extension Settings
- Configure OpenAPI API key for using LLM functions either in
.quickCommand.json or .secrets.json file.
Known Issues
- Parser is not handling all failure cases yet with recovery mode.
Release Notes
- Tokenizer
- Parser
- Literals (string, number, boolean, null, undefined)
- Identifiers
- Member access (regular, null coalsecing, bracket)
- Method calls
- Objects
- Arrays
- Unary operators (+, -, !)
- Binary operators (+, -, *, /, **, %, <, >, <=, >=, ===, .., |>, ??)
- Ternary operator
- Spread expression
- Error recovery
- Code Models
- Semantic Analysis
- Editor support
- JSON schema validation
- Syntax token highlighting
- semantic error detection
- Language provider autocomplete
- Signature helper
- Jest runner
- Git extension
- CopyableContentView
- LLM commands
- Lambda expressions
- HTML doc updating
- Eval function
- Hot reload
- HTML doc streaming
- Object property autocomplete
- Complete IO/File commands
- Filename autocomplete
- Write/read to/from path
- Limit characters read from each file
- Paste directly from web view to editor
- RenameProvider
- DocumentSemanticTokensProvider
- InlineCompletionItemProvider
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