EF Core tools to increase the use of vscode editor as the master tool for console, web and game development in C# Programming Language providing the same shortcuts, efficiency, intellisense that is offered by Visual Studio Community.
One of the first objectives is to reduce the amount of extensions downloaded for C# reducing the time and effort on configuration that has to be done by the user as well as to avoid extensions conflicts. Also great features to speed up your development workflow.
Current features
Create Solution
Add Project to Solution
Build Project .NETCore
Run Project .NETCore
Run Project Angular
Publish Project Angular
Create Class
Create Interface
Create Record
Create Struct
Create IServices
Create Services
Create Api Contronller Extend
Create Api Contronller
Create MVC Contronller
Create Razor Page
Scaffold Ef core C#
Add Project to solution
Scaffold Ef core C#: gen table, view, store to model, dto, services c#
Gen table view custom to model, dto, Accessor
Gen table view using default scaffold of Microsoft
Gen store to model, dto, services
How to use
Please select folder includes .sln or csproj (Scaffold EF Core C#).
Note: If there are any issues with the Scaffold, please double-check the SQL Server Browser service.
Open Run by pressing Win + R, type services.msc and press Enter.
Look for the SQL Server Browser Service in the list.
Right-click on the service and select Properties.
Ensure the Startup type is set to Automated or Manual.
Press Start to attempt starting the service.
Note: From the second generation onward, if you wish to modify the connection when selecting a different app setting, please reload Visual Studio Code by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P and then selecting 'Reload Window'.