Convert C# Models, ViewModels and DTOs into their TypeScript equivalents, Support All UpperCase ex: KHANHTUNG_MTP, CamelCase, PascalCase, TitleCase....
C# to TypeScript (To File)
C# to TypeScript (Paste As)
C# to TypeScript (Replace on File)
"C# to TypeScript (Replace)" - converts content of open document (or it's selected part) and replaces it.
"C# to TypeScript (To Clipboard)"- writes converted code to clipboard.
"C# to TypeScript (Paste As)" - converts content of clipboard and pastes it.
"C# to TypeScript (To File)" (explorer context menu) - converts picked file into new file.
Known limitations / design choices
Always outputs interface type.
Only includes public, non-static properties & fields - not methods, not private members.
Import generation assumes flat output directory structure and file names corresponding to type names (e.g. MyType: myType.ts, my-type.ts, my-type.model.ts).