This VS Code extension initializes a simple Node.js backend project with Express, Prisma, and other commonly used packages. It automates the process of setting up the project by creating the necessary folder structure, initializing the npm project, installing dependencies, and creating a basic index.js file.
Creates a backend folder in your current workspace
Initializes a Node.js project in the backend folder using npm init.
Installs the following packages:
Initializes Prisma with npx prisma init.
Automatically creates a basic index.js file with the following:
Express setup
CORS configuration
Environment variable handling using dotenv
Prisma client instance
The server listens on port 3000 by default.
Open a workspace in VS Code where you want to initialize your backend.
Press Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P (Mac) to open the Command Palette.
Search for RK Init Node and select the command.
The extension will:
Create a backend folder in your workspace.
Run npm init in the folder.
Install necessary dependencies.
Initialize Prisma.
Create a basic index.js file for the backend.
Once the process is complete, you'll see a success message in VS Code.