markdown-foldingThis is the documentation for your extension "markdown-folding". This extension provides enhanced folding capabilities for markdown files in Visual Studio Code. 这是您的扩展 "markdown-folding" 的文档。此扩展为 Visual Studio Code 中的 markdown 文件提供了增强的折叠功能。 Features

RequirementsNo additional requirements or dependencies. 没有额外的要求或依赖项。 Extension SettingsThis extension contributes the following settings: 此扩展提供以下设置:
Known IssuesNo known issues at this time. 目前没有已知问题。 Release NotesUsers appreciate release notes as you update your extension. 用户会感谢您更新扩展时的发布说明。 1.0.0Initial release of markdown-folding. 初始版本的发布。 Following extension guidelinesEnsure that you've read through the extensions guidelines and follow the best practices for creating your extension. 确保您已阅读扩展指南并遵循创建扩展的最佳实践。 For more information有关更多信息 Enjoy! 享受吧! |